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New device usage view

Danila T.

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Hi everyone!
In July we released new functionality in Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android.
Previously, when permitted device-use time was up, kids could not use apps on their Android devices apart from “exclusions” – apps pre-approved by their parents to be accessible even when the device gets blocked.
However, we discovered the logic behind this had a fault: all apps remained visible on the child’s screen so it was unclear if their device was blocked and which apps they could use. Besides, some kids tried using this logic to get around the rules: either by opening the apps and attempting to jump ahead of the blocking mechanism, or by using widgets capable of beating the protection rules.
But now we’ve changed that logic so that when the permitted device-use time is up on a child’s Android device, they will only be able to view and use those apps their parents have approved. All other app icons will disappear from view. Which means less confusion, and more clarity!
Should you prefer the old way of doing things, it’s easy to change things back. Open Kaspersky Safe Kids app installed on your Android device in Parent mode. Then go to Additional → App control on child device → Block forbidden apps. Now after the permitted device-use time runs out, all apps will remain visible on the child’s screen, but they’ll only be able to access those apps their parents have approved for use even on blocked device.
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