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Network Agent Gateway connection issue

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I’m having a problem recently with connecting to the administrations server through the Gateway.
I’ve a network agent set as a gateway in DMZ and everything seems to be working fine. Until last week when I installed KES 11.2 for mac and started rolling out network agent 13 (I’m running KEC 13). When installing the network  agent on mac and using the address for gateway the installer checks the connection to and seems to work and install but after the installation is complete the device doesn’t seem to connect to the server or sync with it. Even when installing network agent 12 and 11 the issue persists. Old machines that had the agent installed before last week can still connect to the admin server using the gateway.


I’ve not changed gateway nor I’ve changed any firewall rules. 
Any solution? or tip on how to proceed or troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks in advance.


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