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Moved a VM with KSC 11 installed to a different server, Can no longer connect through console

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Hi! We had Kaspersky Security Center 11 (Server and Database) installed on a VM server and it was working perfectly. We recently performed a live migration of the VM server to a new HyperV host. Everything is still running fine on the server and KSC is still performing how it should. The issue is my remote console is no longer able to connect to the server meaning everytime I want to check or change something I need to log onto the server. I tried deleting it from the console and re-adding it just incase it was trying to use the old path but I am now unable to connect to it at all. I also reinstalled the console. I have also tried using the full path and the IP of the server to no avail. Any help would be appriciated. Thanks Edit: Forgot to add the error code "General Failure 0x502"
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