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More than one device common usage limit [MOVED]


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My child has two devices. I can manage each devices time usage separately, for example if i want to set 5 hours for total device usage, then i have to set 3 hours on one device and 2 hours on second device. This is not very flexible from usage point. What i would like to set is common usage for both devices thus giving a child a choise which device to use more and which less.
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This feature is very necessary, Sometimes kids want to spend more time on there phone, and another day more time on one of the home pc's. Every day I find myself shifting leftover time from one device to another in kaspersky for 3 kids, A related missing feature that would make things more flexible, is the ability for 'time banking': move unused time to another day.
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This feature is very necessary, Sometimes kids want to spend more time on there phone, and another day more time on one of the home pc's. Every day I find myself shifting leftover time from one device to another in kaspersky for 3 kids, A related missing feature that would make things more flexible, is the ability for 'time banking': move unused time to another day. Good idea. I like the idea of "banking time" to be added, and you're right, it's a pain to manage it manually.
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?Common time usage - multiple devices - brilliant idea? ?Time banking - brilliant idea? (imo) Kaspersky doesn't do enouh KSK product testing /enhancement, there's many feaures parents have raised that Kaspersky respond to with "great idea, not possible at this time" it stops there, the idea never materialises. Tweet Kaspersky head parent, maybe he'll listen: https://twitter.com/e_kaspersky
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I would suggest to make different time limits for each platform. I have several children and several PCs. My children use different PCs during a day, so it would be practical to count total time usage on different PCs towards one common limit for windows platform. For android or IOs we could set different limits.
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I would suggest to make different time limits for each platform. I have several children and several PCs. My children use different PCs during a day, so it would be practical to count total time usage on different PCs towards one common limit for windows platform. For android or IOs we could set different limits.
Hello abu-khulzat, Welcome! I'm not sure I understand your request, "different time limits for each platform", do you mean a Time Limit if Windows is used, irrespective of the (PC-Computer-Device)? So, for example, there are 3 children, 3 PCs - all Windows, you'd like to limit the time Windows is used:thinking:? or something else? Also, please provide more information regarding the scenario for Android please? Regarding iOS, it's important to know: on a child's iOS devices, Kaspersky Safe Kids displays a notification that it's time to take a break. iOS devices cannot be blocked due to operating system limitations. Please post back? Thank you.
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Look: I have 3 Children, Child 1, Child 2, Child 3. I also have 2 PCs. So I think it makes sense to make one time limit for each child irrespective of the machine he uses. So I might want to allocate 4 hours of PC usage for Child 1, 6 hours for Child 2, and 2 hours for Child 3. During the day they use whatever PC is free. So Child 1, for example, might use PC 1 for 2 hours. In that case he would have 2 hours remaining regardless of which PC he uses. I mentioned Android, since some children might have phones and tablets. So phone and tablet usage shouldn't be mixed with PC usage, in my opinion. Or you could make an option to allow user which device usage would be aggregated towards a common limit and which ones would be calculated separately.
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Look: I have 3 Children, Child 1, Child 2, Child 3. I also have 2 PCs. So I think it makes sense to make one time limit for each child irrespective of the machine he uses. So I might want to allocate 4 hours of PC usage for Child 1, 6 hours for Child 2, and 2 hours for Child 3. During the day they use whatever PC is free. So Child 1, for example, might use PC 1 for 2 hours. In that case he would have 2 hours remaining regardless of which PC he uses. I mentioned Android, since some children might have phones and tablets. So phone and tablet usage shouldn't be mixed with PC usage, in my opinion. Or you could make an option to allow user which device usage would be aggregated towards a common limit and which ones would be calculated separately.
Hello abu-khulzat, Phone & tablet usage isn't mixed with PC usage. I'll add your information to the request that's in hand with the Development Team, if they need more information or clarification I'll let you know. The clearer people wishes are, the more likely they are to be implemented, if at all possible. I'm not sure if "Look" means something other than what I think it means, I can assure you, we do look! Thank you.
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  • 2 months later...

If you don't add the ability to set total time limits then I will be moving to another company's software.

 Currently my kids will jump to another device when their time limit is up. I want to limit their TOTAL screen time on multiple devices. 

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I’m astonished that this is not a feature. Some children have access to multiple devices. It is therefore necessary to have a “global” time limit across all devices.


The main purpose of this software is to make it easier for parents to limit children’s screentime. If I have to keep track of how much time has been spent on each device then Kaspersky is useless to me.

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Hello  @cstf,


I agree, that’s why the issue has been escalated to Kaspersky KSK developers.

Thank you

Excellent. Can we be notified when the update has been deployed?

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Hello @cstf,

Absolutely, however, sometimes the developers, “work” on something for 8 months collecting copious amounts of data, intermittently advising the Parent “the issue is fixed, test it”, not fixed, more data submitted, another “it’s fixed, test it”, no it’s not, only to be told, can’t be done👎

Just so you know, an issue logged with the developers, does not mean anything until it’s been successfully implemented… 

Best regards. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a  developer it is clear when we are trying to confuse the situation because they do not want to implement it. 

This is simple, it is just a “global” time limit instead of a time limit based on each device. 

There are several basic functionalities missing like this. 

The other one is that you should be able to set a schedule AND a time limit. I might want to open the screen time up to 2 hours per day, but they can only use those 2 hours between the times of 10AM and 8PM for example. Instead of only being able to choose a time limit, or a schedule. 

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Hello @AnnmarieP,

Welcome again!

I’ve replied to your primary topic. 

All the issues you’ve raised are important👏

KSK is not “parent friendly”.

KSK urgently needs to be improved. 

Also, I’ve asked the Moderators to move your Topic to this (KSK) category. I’ve explained why in the actual Topic. 

Thank you🙏

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Reply from: Kaspersky Lab Support experts, Saturday, 11 January 2020 16:53


We have received an update (from the developer team) that the time to make the feature of being able to configure daily usage duration limit for a given time period is yet to be determined. However, the developer team is aware of the requirement to implement the feature. All the other suggestions have also be submitted as well.


In other words, no progress, close to 12 months…. 


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  • 3 months later...

If you don't add the ability to set total time limits then I will be moving to another company's software.

 Currently my kids will jump to another device when their time limit is up. I want to limit their TOTAL screen time on multiple devices. 

I’m an end user, same as you. In reality its not possible and no product can offer something similar - If you read manuals you would realize that KSK is in fact three different products, because Microsoft-Windows, Apple-iOS and Google-Android see things differently. Can you imagine that one day M A and G would work together to combine their parental control apps (which does not work well by the way) into single portal so that you can manage TOTAL screen time across three different platforms? I cant. These companies care about their profits, not about our kids.


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  • 2 months later...

I also very much want to be able to set a global time limit per child.  Like the other posters here, I am surprised it does not exist.  It is a HUGE problem for me and I will need to look for some other solution.  It’s too bad, because there are some good things about KSK, but the lack of a global time limit makes the software nearly useless for me.  Trying to manage our devices with the current “device only” plan would consume a lot of our time.  If we, as parents, have to very actively micro-manage everything like that, why are we bothering to buy your product?


Similar to @AnnmarieP, I have software development experience (more than a decade).  KSK reports information per child, so there is an object and database entry that already exists.  We just need a global time used field.  Then, the function that is checked against the individual time fields for each device to determine if the child can “go online”, simply needs to be checked against this global field as well.  I understand the developers you have hired or contracted have many applications to work on, not just KSK. This feature is so easy to implement (and should have been implemented from the initial release date), that it confuses my why it’s not already in place.  Just get it done and off of your “to do” list.  Stop burning project planning/strategizing time on it.


Please, please, can you give us an annual quarter when this might be done?  Something like “we are working on it and expect a release date in Q3 2020” would at least let us plan or know how long we have to deal with the extra work.  It might encourage some of us NOT purchase a competitor product if we know there is an end to this.

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Hello @jsmallfi ,


  • There are many changes/improvements that could make KSK a product that helps parents. Unfortunately, the Kaspersky Community have no input or influence regarding the developers Kaspersky hire/contract/employ, nor the time schedules for the implementation of product development & or implementation schedules. 
  • The Kaspersky Community is made up of users of Kaspersky software (like you) , all who give their time freely, to help other Community members (like you). There's a small team of Kaspersky employees - all of whom are clearly identifiable, bc, their profile shows "Kaspersky Lab Employee". For the most part, & from my observations, the willing helpers engage in providing technical analysis to address technical issues.


  • Please submit a request, select FeedbackI have a suggestion template (see image below), include all the information you’ve provided here. 
  • After you submit the request, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12 digits reference #, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Lab human will contact you, also by email, you may continue to communicate with them via reply email & or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky.com account.
  • The more people who communicate directly with the Kaspersky Technical Team, the more likely they are to give parental concerns some attention. 
  • Please let the Kaspersky Community know what they say?

    Thank you🙏




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