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Mobile hacking and camera


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lately my mobile is being hot sometime and i am worry if it was hacked or my camera has being hacked i tried to follow application permission and didn’t find weird application just one application called Haweui services framework and the strange is it can be uninstalled so i am asking if I want to install purchase kaspersky could it help me to check and detect the hidden app and also if my mobile is hacked or the camera is hacked or it is not enough ?


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Hello, lately my mobile is being hot.

i am worry if it was hacked or my camera has being hacked.

i tried to follow application permission and didn’t find weird application just one application called Huawei services framework, the strange is it can be uninstalled,

i am asking if I want to install purchase kaspersky could it help me to check and detect the hidden app and also if my mobile is hacked or the camera is hacked or it is not enough ?


Hello @Sara,


Please share with us:

  1. The Android phone manufacturer name, model & version → open Settings⚙ , scroll to the bottom of the screen, select About phone or About device
  2. Has any software been installed from links in SMS messages?
  3. Has any software been installed from stores that are NOT Google Play Store or Huawei store
  4. Is there any Anti-Virus software currently installed? 
  5. Do you backup all critical data for the phone on a regular schedule? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello Flood
Really thank you for your answer and support; and i am really in need of support; please find my replies in highlighted in gray

  1. The Android phone manufacturer name, model & version → open Settings⚙ , scroll to the bottom of the screen, select About phone or About device
    it is MYA-L22 and I’ve made update today to EMUI and it is EMUI 4 as i found on internet in order to know if i have been hacked or not i should update the system if there is an update available on the phone but i didn’t helped me to know if i am hacked or not and i did the update from settings> updater > i found current version and New version in red and i press it then update check and it download it in the mobile and then restart and also give me black screen contains EMUI installing then EMUI optimizing
  2. Has any software been installed from links in SMS messages?
    I believe no i didn’t receive any links in SMS but maybe sometime I browse for pdf from Google chrome or UC browser and sometimes this link open another links that’s contains ads and so on but i close them --- and also open links from my friends that i am trust from facebook messenger or whats app and most of the links is instagram or microsoft, facebook, coursera, edx something like this that open a real site and subject
  3. Has any software been installed from stores that are NOT Google Play Store or Huawei store? as far as i remember  No, the app is installed from play store only
  4. Is there any Anti-Virus software currently installed? yes i also installed today Avast the free version but it detect 164 application and when I go to setting > App > then press button that shows system app also and I count all of the app and they are 161 only !! and it gives no issue but i wonder if Avast will help to detect already installed virus or spy apps as it may help to prevent if new not the already exist is this right or ?
  5. Do you backup all critical data for the phone on a regular schedule? i backup some of them

    also what i have done till now is checking app permission, and I found most of them are normal and regarding the app called Huawei services framework app it can be uninstalled and not from system app it appears with other app but there is no permission required and it is dimmed and it exist in non used app since 100 days

    also I tried to check the file system from internal storage and I found weird folder its name starts with $system   then 13 number and inside it 77 files with no extension the name of the files contains 32 digits mix of number and letter and also there is another folder and it names is number and letter and it contains folder called template then 3 .htm files called morewall, offerwall, taskdetail and also another folder called res and this res folder contains button_close.png and the file modified date was May 2018 

    and the other folder in the internal storage i believe they are okay or what do you think ?
     HWthem, wifi direct, facebook.orca, backup, facebook.katana, .facebook_cache, bluetooth, android, mmcache, mktlog, .file_safebox, .archivetemp, clouddrive, UCdownload, and download, recording, music

    also i did check on setting device administration > device administrators i found two active admin screen lock service and find my device and after install avast i also added in the admin but inactive

    also i check credential storage i found lot of certificates

    that’s all what i have done till now so what should i do to check and to make sure
    And sorry if my answer is very long
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