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Migration from KSC 10.2 to KSC 11

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We have a KSC 10 on a Windows 2008 server with SQL Express 2008. KES 10 and KSWS 10.0 are installed on the computers. We would like to migrate to KSC 11 but on a different machine with a new SQL Express for example Windows Server 2016 and SQL Express 2016. Then next step would be to move the KES 10 to KES 11 and KSWS 10.0 to KSWS 10.1.


My question is how can I achieve that? I have seen that it is possible using multiple ways but I would like to know which is the best one and how best to do it?


The ways that I have thought of are:


1:  Install a new Windows Server 2016 with new SQL and Install KSC 11 on this one. Create all the necessary strategies such as KES 11 and KSWS 10.1.2 and then run the task “Change Management Server” on the KSC 10. Then launch the installation of KES 11 and KSWS 10.1.2 on the machines.


2:  Do a backup and then restore it on the new machine and then update the strategies and tasks.


If someone else has any other advice or ways on how can I achieve it, It would be really helpful. I need to start on next monday so its really urgent.


Thank you in advance for your help.

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2:  Do a backup and then restore it on the new machine and then update the strategies and tasks.

You don`t have to restore backuo on new server. First of all you`ve created all necessary tasks and policies for KES11 and KSWS anew and if you restore a  backup unnecessary policies and tasks for previous versions appear. Second of all, and the most important, is that admin server certificate wil be replaced with old one and all your hosts became unmanagable.

So, you have to perform Step 1 only.

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