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Mac OS Catalina install error [Closed]

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Anyone know how to get around this on Mac OS Catalina? I am getting the same error on two different Macs. On one I completely deleted my application and downloaded directly from Kasperky's site, on the other I still have the old version on there, but it won't start.
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Nevermind, just found out they don't support OS Catalina....in the process of getting everything canceled right now. If you're on a Mac, don't update to Catalina otherwise you will not have KIS working properly.
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Hi jhusemann So sorry to hear about the issues that you got while installing kaspersky. As per support, OS Catalina should be supported with kaspersky. And a product support for the new OS was added in the patch A of the 2020 version of KIS for Mac. For this error message, all you have to do is to click on "OK" and allow kaspersky in the privacy and security in the system preference of Mac. Many thanks!
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Thanks for the note, when I spoke to tech support over the phone they specifically told me it wasn’t supported, then later in the day they mentioned this fix. I’ve already canceled my subscription and my key will no longer work, so I’ve moved to another program.
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Hello jhusemann, Thank you for posting the issue, we're sorry you've had an unhappy experience. Other Community members may read your topic, the information is always appreciated and valuable:pray_tone3:. Confirming: " New MacOS (Catalina) released 04 Oct 2019. Product support for Mac OS Catalina added in 2020(a) and patch E for 2019(e) " However, the following reference documents so not reflect OS Catalina, the issue is with Kaspersky documentation team for fixing. Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac KIS2020 Hardware and software requirements Kaspersky Internet Security 20 for Mac release notes Thank you.
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Hi. No issue... I installed KIS 20 on macOS Catalina last Wednesday, right after OS update. And it works quite well The screenshot you have made is not new to Catalina: double-finger-clic to enable the 3rd option to bypass Apple's check, as usual. By the way, installation's last step "executing script" takes some time and is a bit capricious. But once the step passes, everythings is fine.
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Hi, I I'm installing KIS 2020 on my MacBook Pro Mid 2012 macOS Catalina and it hangs in 94% I have waited about 60 minutes to install, but it doesn't move from 94%, and when I try to close the installer it says that it could possibly damage my computer....what can I do?
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Hello Neojogo, Welcome!
  1. Is this the first time Kaspersky software has been installed on the Mac?
  2. Were all necessary system preparations done before installing KIS2020 ?
  3. Checking the (Mac) traffic/network monitor - is there any activity?
  4. Checking (Mac) Activity Monitor, are there any corrupted process(s).
Please let us know? Thank you:pray_tone3:
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Hello Neojogo, Thank you for replying.
  1. What was the previous Operating system?
  2. Where was KIS2020 (installer) sourced from?
  3. Were all necessary system preparations done before installing KIS2020 ?
  4. Checking (Mac) traffic/network monitor - is there any activity - for KIS?
  5. Checking (Mac) Activity Monitor, are there any corrupted process(s).
Please let us know? Thank you:pray_tone3:
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  1. What was the previous Operating system?
  1. Where was KIS2020 (installer) sourced from?
  1. Were all necessary system preparations done before installing KIS2020 ?
Yes: Check Internet connection and Clean Install KIS2020
  1. Checking (Mac) traffic/network monitor - is there any activity - for KIS?
At the moment just the installer: Install Kaspersky Internet Security (541)
  1. Checking (Mac) Activity Monitor, are there any corrupted process(s).
It seems like not
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To show it really works. When the installer hangs at 94%:
  1. The first time, I forcibly halted the mac using the power button. This is not really a good idea: after that, KIS complained there are some missing modules. It is still possible to launch it then uninstall it to start over.
  2. The second time, it worked for me. However, I was hacking a bit. I am not sure whether it worked by itself of if it were my hacking activity that unfroze the installer. Namely, in a terminal, I lauched the script that was hung, looking for the step at which it actually hung. But in the meanwhile, the installer resumed and completed successfully. For me, it was: "cd /tmp/PKInstallSandbox.2seyCw/Scripts/com.kaspersky.kav.core.CFsDP9 && sudo ./postinstall". And now, everything works well for me.
This is my experience. Hope it helps.
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To show it really works. When the installer hangs at 94%:
  1. The first time, I forcibly halted the mac using the power button. This is not really a good idea: after that, KIS complained there are some missing modules. It is still possible to launch it then uninstall it to start over.
  2. The second time, it worked for me. However, I was hacking a bit. I am not sure whether it worked by itself of if it were my hacking activity that unfroze the installer. Namely, in a terminal, I lauched the script that was hung, looking for the step at which it actually hung. But in the meanwhile, the installer resumed and completed successfully. For me, it was: "cd /tmp/PKInstallSandbox.2seyCw/Scripts/com.kaspersky.kav.core.CFsDP9 && sudo ./postinstall". And now, everything works well for me.
This is my experience. Hope it helps.
I'm not as experienced as you with the terminal thing, but I really hope to get a functional installer from the technical support. //Mod edit: Please contact Tech Support, because that is the correct, supported solution at this time. This topic is temporarily and amicably closed, so people can easily discover the correct, supported solution. When new, important solution becomes available, this topic will be re opened. :)
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