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Licensing Catch-22

Go to solution Solved by Guest #37,

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We have been faced with a particular snafu for a while now, wherein attempts to apply the Corporate license (1300 seats, expires August 2020) are met with the following A/V database ‘error’: Database release date does not correspond to license term


Conversely, applying the database update Task is me with this error: License has expired or application is not activated


Protection name: Kaspersky Security for VIrtualization 3.0 Light Agent (v3.2.99.5024) ← This is NOT working

Protection name : Kaspersky Security for VIrtualization 3.0 SP1  Light Agent (v3.4.44.7179) ← This *IS* working


This is for a large gov’t entity, and upgrades are not in the current vocabulary, please refrain from such suggestions.  Both the working and non-working systems are in the same /24 subnet and managed by the same KSC.


KSC is running Windows 2012 R2 Standard 64bit


Screenshots provided to showcase the conundrum.


Working...updated license key and a/v dabatase
vSphere details


We’ve tried applying the ‘rollback’ Task, not sure wtf that did but fixing something is not it. Have deleted/moved to a new managed devices subfolder, deleted/recreated Virtualization 3.0 specific tasks, and even moved to a different KSC server (managing the other half of the ksv/SVM’s, which also exhibits the same exact failure/error in line with the same old versions) all to no avail.


Thoughts and non-upgrade solutions will be greatly appreciated, and thank you for reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The whole point of this was to engage the community at-large to garner ideas and suggestions into resolving the issue from those that have likely experienced the same or similar, not to fork over even more $$ by opening a support ticket.
I thank you for your time, we will seek another solution to our current issue.

Happy Christmas

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Thank you for the 🎄 blessing🙏

In answer to your question:

Nobody wants a crack at this, not even Kaspersky Support?  Neato...

Which  @Caos🙇 ,  has answered.

Kaspersky Support and Kaspersky Community are two different entities, the Community is populated by willing helpers - volunteers, the majority of whom are also users of Kaspersky software.

There’s a small number of Kaspersky employees, you see Kaspersky Lab employee beside the names of these people. 

Kaspersky Support = Kaspersky Technical Support, all holders of licensed Kaspersky software have access to Kaspersky Technical Support. 

If you look at the documentation for the issue you’re reporting, you’ll see, Kaspersky Technical Support via Kaspersky Company Account are the team to assist you. 

Thank you 

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Additionally, open a support ticket doesn´t cost $$, is covered by the license.

And the problem is the same old version don´t have support, updates, etc.. is End-of-life, you have to install a supported version for solve the problem and/or receive support.

Happy Christmas


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  • 4 weeks later...

And the problem is the same old version don´t have support, updates, etc.. is End-of-life, you have to install a supported version for solve the problem and/or receive support.


As mentioned in the initial posting, “this is for a large gov’t entity, and upgrades are not in the current vocabulary, please refrain from such suggestions. “


Thank you for your feedback, we will take it under advisement

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