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KSWS10 File exclusion not working

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I have the below exclusion configured in my KSWS 10 policy, to exclude the ntds.dit file from scanning:


Yet, on occasion, I receive this warning by email:

Event "Object not processed" occurred on device “ServerName” in Windows domain “Domain” on February 22, 2020 11:03:27 PM (GMT-05:00) Object not processed. Reason: read error. Object name: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume395\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit

I noticed that the above warning occurred during a backup which had started at 11PM. The backup uses VSS.  I believe KSWS is scanning the VSS copy and generating the above warning.

What should I do, to stop KSWS from scanning the VSS copy?

Environment: KSC amd KSWS


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