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KSV v5.1 light agents not activating

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Issue: Our Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 5.1 light agents are not activating. We have a license certificate with a product code of KL4251EANTW. It is valid until November 2020, are there any restrictions on KSV upgrades? The license worked fine for v5.0 of KSV but now that I have upgraded the light agent to v5.1 the activation task doesn't want to work for me. The license has not hit the device limit. When checking the activation task in KSC v11 it says it has been Applied to x devices but when viewing the results the Status just reads as 'Modified' and the circle is yellow and not green... Checking on the servers, it just shows as 'License key is missing' and 'Application is not activated.' The light agent has a connection to the SVM as it isn't complaining about a lack of SVM connectivity, only that it isn't activated. Any ideas?
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