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KSK not blocking appliction types

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I’m using the trail version of KSK on Windows 10.  Several application categories are blocked in the config but not applied when my boy logged on.  For instance, both ‘games’ and ‘unknown’ are blocked application categories.  However, the config on the PC (via the link ‘some application types are blocked’) notes only ‘games’ as blocked.   This therefore allows access to Microsoft Store and my boy downloads any free game he wants.

I have removed and reinstalled software but it doesn’t help. I’ve also turned off age appropriate control - also doesn’t help.

Any ideas? 

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Hello @DadofDragons


Please share with us:

  1. KSK version & patch(x) x = letter →  on Windows taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the KSK icon, select About ?
  2. Re “However, the config on the PC (via the link ‘some application types are blocked’) notes only ‘games’ as blocked” is not clear, can you explain this more please so we understand? 
  3. Re “turned off age appropriate control”, why? 
  4. Does your son have a Microsoft account? 
  5. May we know your son’s birth year please? 
  6. May we know which games he’s been able to access via MS Store → we’ll test. 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏



Read before you create a new topic! tutorial by @Danila T. 

KSK Category Games, extended detail:

Games of various kinds, for example, educational, cards, casino, arcades, or racing. Manufacturers can include some games in other categories so it is also recommended to look in the Entertainment and Education categories. Note: Category Games, does not block online games. 

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Hello @DadofDragons


Microsoft store cannot be blocked using KSK. 

Before doing either procedure below, create a System restore point

Kaspersky Supervisor advises “edit registry”, as follows: 

  1. Click START, type REGEDIT.EXE and press ENTER Key
  2. Expand KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore
  3. Right click and select NEW > REG_DWORD
  4. Name it RemoveWindowsStore
  5. Set the value to 1
  6. Reboot the PC. 
  7. Store will be blocked.

 Microsoft level 3 Technical Experts advise “use  gpedit.msc” as follows:

 Navigate to the following setting:

  1. Computer Configuration Administrative Templates →  Windows Components Store
  2. Select Turn off the Store application. 
  3. Right click on Turn off the Store application
  4. Select Edit
  5. Select Enabled
  6. Select Apply
  7. Shutdown computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login, confirm your son cannot access MS Store? 

This setting denies or allows access to the Store application. If you enable this setting, access to the Store application is denied. Access to the Store is required for installing app updates.

Thank you🙏


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Thanks for the advice.  

The local version of KSK is .  The issue affects all PCs in our family - the application category ‘unknown’ is marked as forbidden in the web config but this is not applied to any of the devices when my child logs in [clinking on the tray icon, then ‘more info’ confirms the current settings.  It did work previously but no longer (for no clear reason).   Blocking this category did prevent access to MS Store, and this is preferable to using gpedit.msc as, like you say, it is sometimes needed to download and apply updates so I need to unblock it occasionally.   Even with this deficiency, KSK was useful to limit the time spent on the device, however my child has quickly learned that creating a local account bypasses the controls associated with his profile - I guess I do need to look at gpedit.msc afterall.  Sigh.

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Hello @DadofDragons

You’re most welcome☺!

Thank you for posting back & the additional information!

Re: MS Store
As it turns out, the advice from Kaspersky Technical Supervisor is incorrect. 
MS Store can be Forbidden, even tho it's Category is Unknown →  image 1 & video:


The Category Unknown issue has been escalated to KSK developers, Kaspersky HQ. 

(without knowing your son's age) Categories that should be Forbidden → image 2

Re: KSK accurately reflecting Forbidden Application Categories (after selection More info → images 3. 4. & 5), this is also an issue; i.e. KSK application does not show all Forbidden Categories, this issue has also been escalated to KSK developers, Kaspersky HQ.







Re: (your son) creating a Local Account:

A Windows Standard/Local account has no authority to create Windows accounts. 

  1. Is it possible your son has accessed an Administrative account & created another account? 
  2. How did he associate the "new" account with KSK? 

Steps to take to resolve, as Administrator (Parent) account: 

  1. Create a System restore point. 
  2. Check (your son's) Windows account? If necessary delete/remove & create a new Standard/Local account account. 
  3. Confirm KSK System requirements
  4. Shutdown all applications, including browsers
  5. Uninstall KSK → including Reboot
  6. Additional: shutdown the computer, using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login
  7. Download, clean install & configure KSK
  8. Recheck MS Store Forbidden?
  9. Recheck your son's capacity to create Windows accounts?

Let us know the outcome please? 

Thank you🙏


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Hi there - thanks for the update and awareness of the escalation around the blocked categories not showing up.  I'll try a re-install next week.

Re: (your son) creating a Local Account: A Windows Standard/Local account has no authority to create Windows accounts. 

100% both sons have a standard account linked via MS family - limiting screen time with KSK lasted only a couple of days until they worked out how to bypass it (they are 8 and 10 :-|).  They said its via a local account they are creating but I need to be sneaky to find out for sure - work in progress.

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