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KSK does not seem to control all type of browser/browsing activity

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KSK seems to work, but my son can access many websites using an Opera based browser: Opera GX (designed for games).

I do not see any log on internet history concerning this browser in the report page of internet/application activities. So I guess it does not work properly. Could you check on your side?

Same with another app: WeChat (especially on smartphones), is the extremely popular alternative of WhatsApp, used by everyone in China: it can also work like a browser (since you can search the web, open links, etc.), but KSK does not seem to detect any activity of WeChat when it is used like a browser. Maybe the ports used are not standard? Could you do some verification? For me it's a big flaw, I'd like KSK to monitor properly those apps. 

Thank you! 


Additional information: 

KSK Latest (updated) version (parent PC : Windows 10 64bits)

Opera GX browser is installed on child's PC with Windows 11 home edition

WeChat is installed on child's Android Phone Redmi Note 12 (Android 12, MIUI 14)

Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Toriatama said:
  • KSK Latest (updated) version (parent PC : Windows 10 64bits)
  • Opera GX browser is installed on child's PC with Windows 11 home edition
  • WeChat is installed on child's Android Phone Redmi Note 12 (Android 12, MIUI 14)
21 hours ago, Toriatama said:

2) KSK seems to work, but my son can access many websites using an Opera based browser: Opera GX (designed for games). I do not see any log on internet history concerning this browser in the report page of internet/application activities. So I guess it does not work properly. 

3)Same with another app: WeChat (especially on smartphones), is the extremely popular alternative of WhatsApp, used by everyone in China: it can also work like a browser (since you can search the web, open links, etc.), but KSK does not seem to detect any activity of WeChat when it is used like a browser.

Hello @Toriatama

Welcome back!

1) How are Settings configured? 

2) Opera / GX are forbidden by design / default, read: KSK, Limitations and warnings, Denylist of applications - if a parent decides to *allow* a child to use Opera  / GX - KSK monitors & logs the activity in KSK reports - the same as any other browser:



IF (your) KSK is not doing that *clean* install the software making sure first - to fully remove KSK on *all* devices & for that process *do not have any other application running*, at the end of the uninstall shutdown *each* device & leave it off & start working on the next one - when *all* devices *including* yours have KSK uninstalled - power  each device on, then start the install for each device, again do one at a time - at the completion of a full refresh of KSK on all devices  - shutdown / power OFF each device - do not use RESTART, when the devices are OFF, power ON by pressing the power button, login, recheck if KSK reports Opera/GX activity? 

3) We're not 'testing' WeChat in any shape or form - there's a multitude of reasons why. An apps *popularity* is not necessarily a measure of many aspects of an app, even Kaspersky makes note of this fact when they publish KSN data for *other* apps, advising KSN is nothing more that a collation of user data. 

4) You may wish to log the issue with Kaspersky Customer Service: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - we recommend you don't ask them to test WeChat, rather present the issue with *facts & data*:

  • KSK is not working when WeChat (as a browser) is used.
  • Here's the URLs we used.
  • Here's the KSK reports.
  • Here's the screen images
  • blah, blah, blah

On the support page, as the WeChat issue happens across both Windows & Android, it's (your) decision which OS template you select, then select either Chat OR Email, then fill in Application malfunction, Other:ksk-app-malf.thumb.png.b1bfaaf5c4e38ef1638cf9759b2e9b74.png

5) For the Redmi, download AIDA64 from GooglePlayStore & include a AIDA64 Report, for the Windows device if support need Logs or Traces they will guide you. 

6) For *all* devices, whether the topic is raised in the Forum OR shared with Kaspersky Customer Service *always* share: 

OS version & build, for Windows, in the Search field type WINVER, post the information shown in the About Windows applet? 

KSK version on each device:

- for Windows, in hidden icons - rightclick the KSK icon, select About? 

- for Android, open KSK, select the Parent icon, select About? 

IF there's an issue with an application, the full name & version of the application & IF the app is installed on *different* OS, for example Windows & Android, full name & version of the application *on all devices* 

Opera GX version on each device

- Windows? 

- Redmi? 

WeChat version on each device

- Windows? 

- Redmi?

  • Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added KSK, Android Report image

Thank you for your complete answer, I need some time to gather all the info you're asking. I will post ASAP.  

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