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KSC11 Device control Read Only with ID (URGENT!!!)

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Hi. is it possible to give an access to USB device as READ only with its ID. When we give an READ only permission, all usb types are allowed. So there is security concern . we want give permission to only single USB to be read not all of them

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  • 3 months later...

HI. I see. thanks

Hello Bob,

I think you can solve this with combo - Device Control + Disk Encryption:

  1. disable all Removable Drives..
  2. allow trusted device by ID (that would make it read/write of course)..
  3. but then - apply Encryption for entire removable drive:
  1. When a user connects untrusted USB it would be blocked.. when user connects trusted device it will be by default READ only and in case user wants to write on the disk - it encrypts the entire drive - thus makes it impossible to read on other device 😎


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