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KSC Open API - 'Hidden' API Endpoints

Michael Foster

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Hi All

My org is requiring the use of API endpoints that are used by the KSC, but do not seem to be documented.

When loading the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, I notice that two types of API request are made through the /sockets.io interface (as can be seen in the Network tab of the Developer Tools on any browser).

Type 1 - "run-command":




 The above call starts with 'run command' and is well documented under the HostGroup class. Notice also that the command is in Pascal Case. Our org does not have many use cases    for such type 1 commands. See documentation here: https://support.kaspersky.com/help/KSC/15/KSCAPI/a00519.html

Type 2: - "wc-server:api:call"



42/client,["wc-server:api:call",{"name":"statistics.getStatisticsData","cid":"U2kG9y-EMIs"},{"KLPPT_DASHBOARD":{"0:0":{"KLRPT_DSH_TYPE":20,"id":0,"bIncludeVS":false,"KLPPT_StatPeriodInSec":2592000}... (etc)

Notice that the above starts with 'wc-server:api:call'. Also notice that the object is in camel case: 'statistics.getStatisticsData'. My org is requiring the use of such endpoints (in particular the above statistics endpoint), but such type 2 endpoints are not documented. (Or at least cannot be found in the 'Classes' list of the KSC Open API documentation).

Please let me know if there is any further information how to query endpoints such as the above.

Thank you



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