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KSC for Linux? (what are the implications?)

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Folks,I was considering purchasing Kaspersky for Business... but I have anumber of questions:1) Is it possible to install Kspersky Security Center on LInux? I askbecause on Kaspersky trial site, there's only KSC available for Windows.2) Does the available functionality depend on where you installKaspersky Security Center? I ask because based on the onlinedocumentation, it would seem that the functionality/features of theplatform depends on where you install KSC....THanks,






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Yes it is. There’s KSC v13 install packages available for all major Linux platforms available here:



One big difference is that you only have web console for management on Linux. On Windows you also can use the Microsoft Management Console type of interface which I much prefer over the Web console. But as MMC has been phased out by Microsoft web console is the future anyway.

MMC is currently still more functional that web console but the latest versions have been catching on pretty well and now most of the products can be managed properly through web console too.

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