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KSC - Email Notification Settings - Multiple Addresses?

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Documentation says to seperate multiple email addresses by a semicolon (email1@nowhere.com; email2@nowhere.com) - but then I get the error: Email notification settings MailAdressToBadFormatError I've tried the following options: Semicolon: email1;email2 email1; email2 email1 ; email2 Comma: email1,email2 email1, email2 email1 , email2 Colon: email1:email2 email1: email2 email1 : email2 Space: email1 email2 None of them seem to work. I'd like to setup Kaspersky Emails to go to the Local IT Contact for a location, and not just to the KSC Admin(s) - to my knowledge the only way to do that is either via multiple Policies, or Policy Profiles. This is fine (not great, but fine) - as long as I can send it to all the folks at a location who need to receive it. I can setup a shared email for each location, but inevitably i'll get someone, somewhere, that wants to be added to the emails, but NOT added to the shared email account.
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