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[KSC 11] Report Delivery task not working correctly.

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After upgrading my servers to Kaspersky Security Center 11 recently the Deliver report tasks that runs on a daily basis does not work correctly.


We receive an email report daily but after the upgrade, the report randomly stops coming for a few days even if the task is executing successfully.


I have checked my SMTP settings and they are correct. A test email from Administration server gets delivered without any issues but reports dont get delivered. 


Please help me with this issue.

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I just checked and found that there are no machines with any type of critical or warning status in my estate, could that be the reason I am not getting the report?


In KSC 10 I used to get a report even if there was no warning or critical status machine, but now I don't get a report at all, is there a way to change this?

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Have you tried to re-create Report delivery task?

Hi Nikolay,


Yes I have tried recreating the report delivery task and no luck.


As I have stated earlier one thing I noticed is I only get an email when there is at least one unprotected machine. If the unprotected machine count is zero I don't get any email notification.

This only happens with the KSC 11. When using KSC 10 I always got an email even if the count of unprotected machines was 0.


Just to put it in other words, If the report is blank I don't get any email, but if an email has at least 1 machine then I do receive an email.

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