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KSC 10.3.407 (upgraded) not downloading updates for KES 11 [MOVED]

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On 5 different client sites, I upgraded KSC to 10.3.407, from an older KSC version, mostly 9.2.69.
They serve a mixed network of Win7, 8.1 and 10 clients with KES version and KES

After KSC installation, I created a KES 11 installation package from the KES 11 .exe file.
I migrated the update tasks and policies from KES 10 to KES 11.

“Download updates to repository” task still exists from older KSC version.

I have the following problem on all the sites : update database on KES 11 workstations fails (database out of date on client pc’s).
Note: update to KES 10 still works (databases are up to date on client pc’s)

In the Update task result, clicking on pc, lists this error:

Status: “Error verifying application databases and modules” Description: “update files are corrupted”.

Clicking on one of those error message, in the “Event settings” window, is mentioned: 


Event type:     Error verifying application databases and modules
Result:     Update files are corrupted
Object:     updates/bin/kes11/kes11-1313g.xml
Object\Path:     updates/bin/kes11/
Object\Name:     kes11-1313g.xml
User:     B-ARCHITECTEN\xxx  (Active user)
Release date:     6/01/2020 15:31:00

When checking in Explorer on the KSC server, the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Center\Share\Updates\updates\bin\KES11 does not exist.

However, several folders for KES10 do exist.

It seems to me that KSC is not downloading application and database updates for KES 11, even though  there is a working KES 11 installation package, KES 11 has been installed on several workstations, and there is a KES 11 policy defined.

I have deleted and recreated the “Download updates to the repository” task, with default settings, but the problem remains.

Can you please help me fix this ? 

Thank you.


//Mod Note: moved to the correct section.

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Do you have any more info available or do you need more info from me ?

As a test case, I upgraded one of the server with KSC  10.3.407 to KSC 11. Same error in the KES11 update task.

As another test case, I removed KSC 10.3.407 entirely from a server (without restart).
Then I re-built my original configuration:
- installed KSC 10.3.407 from scratch + 2 server updates (“...server B...” and “...server fx...” ? )
- created KES 10 + 11 installation packages, policies, tasks etc.

Even in this from-scratch situation, KES11 database updates are not being downloaded and default client update task for KES11 clients fail with same errors are produced as in original posting, see above.
However: I created a KES11 update task, selected as update source “Kaspersky update servers” instead of “Kaspersky Sec.Center”. This update task runs OK and KES11 clients databases are being updated OK.

So there seems to be a fundamental problem with the “Download updates to repository”  tasks for KES11 in KSC 10.3.407 and KSC 11.

Is this related to the following posting ?


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Here are traces from 1 or 2 executions of the update task on a KES11 client.

In the update task the update source is set to : Kaspersky Security Center.

If I change that to : Kaspersky update servers, the task runs without errors and client databases get updated.

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