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I’m trying to run a scan using Rest API, but I dont know how to do that

I am using a Rest client to send a post request to http://localhost:6782/kes/v1/tasks/Scan_Startup/settings

with the following json data, but the response is 204 No Content

Any ideas?, thanks

  "run_as": {
    "account": "",
    "enable": false,
    "password": ""
  "schedule": {
    "days": 1,
    "every": 0,
    "extScheduleFlags": 0,
    "firstRunTime": 64800,
    "hours": 1,
    "lastRunTime": 0,
    "minutes": 1,
    "mode": 0,
    "months": 1,
    "needInternet": false,
    "prepareStartDelta": 0,
    "raiseIfSkipped": true,
    "startDelay": 15,
    "startDelta": 0,
    "type": 2,
    "useTime": false,
    "weekDays": 0,
    "workingTimeout": 0
  "settings": {
    "compoundFilesSettings": {
      "installationPackagesScanMode": 0,
      "officeArchivesScanMode": 2,
      "ordinaryArchivesScanMode": 2,
      "scanEmailFormats": false,
      "scanPasswordProtectedFiles": false,
      "sizeLimits": {
        "enabled": false,
        "maxFileSize": 100
    "forceAdvancedDisinfection": false,
    "heuristicLevel": 3,
    "scanAction": 0,
    "scanFilter": 0,
    "scanScope": [
        "enabled": true,
        "path": "C:\\file.zip",
        "recursive": true,
        "type": 21
    "scanUnchangedObjects": true,
    "timeLimits": {
      "enabled": false,
      "maxTime": 30
    "useIChecker": true,
    "useISwift": false

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