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KES for Windows on KES Cloud installation fails [KES for Windows]

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Problem Description, Symptoms & Impact

Local installation from a standalone package fails


Check installation logs of the product. We are looking for the following string:

09.02.2022 17:06:19.453 00000374.000028B4 L1  KLSTD: #1, Error was caught in KLERR_throwError, c:\a\b\a_6vlf7p9h\s\csadminkit\development2\klri\pkginst\klpkinst.cpp@1061. Error params: (1187/0x0 ("Bad parameter "VerifyCertDate""), "KLSTD", c:\a\b\a_6vlf7p9h\s\csadminkit\development2\klri\pkginst\klpkinst.cpp@1061) Error loc: ''. 


This string means that a certificate in the package is out of date

Workaround & Solution

In order to fix the problem you should:

  1. Log in to your KESCloud console
  2. Change a language \ proxy settings of the existing installation package
  3. Save changes
  4. Return needed language \ proxy settings
  5. Save changes
  6. Download a new standalone package and install products
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