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KES 11 for MAC License replicating issue on KSC 11

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Installed versions KES 11 for MAC

Latest Netagent Installed.


License is getiting installed on the MAC and endpoints full functionality working fine but the license details are not replicated on KSC servers even changed the License with New NFR but still the issue remains same.


In Netagent Traces its showing the following:


803.0FC3E000 L1  KLERR: #1, Error was caught in void KLLIC::CheckProductLicInfo(KLPAR::Params *, bool, const KLLIC::LicRoleOnHost), /IBuildSrc/klnagent/ Error params: (1192/0x0 ("Invalid license format: KLLIC::c_szwKeyLicPeriod"), "KLSTD", /IBuildSrc/klnagent/

Line 49527: 26.02.2020 15:32:19.729 00004803.0FC3E000 L1  KLLIC: The product provided invalid license attributes. #1192 Invalid license format: KLLIC::c_szwKeyLicPeriod<5xppaALmx6aaJAgipsaZj0>Error information: 1192/0 (Invalid license format: KLLIC::c_szwKeyLicPeriod), /IBuildSrc/klnagent/, 41



Failed replicating license info for product Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Mac. #1192 Invalid license format: KLLIC::c_szwKeyLicPeriod<5xppaALmx6aaJAgipsaZj0>Error information: 1192/0 (Invalid license format: KLLIC::c_szwKeyLicPeriod), /IBuildSrc/klnagent/, 41


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