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KAVFSWP consuming 99% of CPU [MOVED]

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Occasionally a Server will be unresponsive and when we look at it, the kavfswp.exe is running Multiple times and the combination of them is 99% of the CPU. The Processes also shows “Kaspersky Anti-Virus worker process (32bit)” shows all the CPU being utilized.

This occurs on KAV and versions.

Why would this occur?

What can I do to avoid it? 


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  • 2 months later...

This is now occurring on KAV servers.

I attempt to do a GetSystemInfo but the server is so busy the command cannot be ran without killing the KAVFSWP process.

I modified the “Application Settings”, “Scalability,Interface and scan settings”,  “Scan settings Tab”, Limit CPU usage for scanning threads is checked and set to 50%.

Suggestions anyone? this is occurring at least 4 or 5 times per week on random servers.


Help Please!

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Is there any task running (e.g. scheduled scan task)? You can have a look at this information when you start/install the KSWS console.

Are there any other processes with higher CPU load (from my experience, these should be added to exclusions, as long as their legitimate software which was installed, so that the activity of these processes will not be scanned).

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  • 1 month later...

I am using KSWS on many servers and the task manager states 0 or 0,1% CPU load (for all kav* processes).

I think that either KSWS is doing some work (scheduled update/scan task) or it is scanning/controlling other heavy process activity (e.g. a 3rd party application is doing a lot of I/O or CPU work and KSWS is checking that all the time -> exclude that 3rd party process as long as it is legitimate and not malware!).

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