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Kasperspy Security Center Windows 10 Deployment Key - Planning question

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We’ve been using KSC (now ver. 13) for some time and would like to use it to deploy Windows 10 PCs

Now before going any further, I read a document from Kaspersky (Quick Start Guide https://media.kaspersky.com/en/business-security/eval/KasperskyLabQuickStartGuide-SystemsImagingGuide.pdf)

The initial question I’m asking myself, as we use standard PCs with OEM Windows 10 Pro on it (so all have their own license), if we create a standard image and sysprep it, can we deploy it without giving a W10 Lic. key so that it uses the key from the PC ? When we install a clean Windows on an older PC it takes its key, so wondering if a deployed image would do the same (didn’t find any hint on that)

Sorry if that question might seem simple, but the licensing thing seems a bit tricky to me

Thanks for any tip on that

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