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Kaspersky Security for Windows Server VS Kaspersky Endpoint Security for FILE SERVERS

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I plane to use KS on servers, but don't know what the suitable version of KS is give a full protection for the servers Kaspersky Security for Windows Server or Kaspersky Endpoint Security for File servers.


best regards 


//ModNote: fix AV name:
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Server →  Kaspersky Security for Windows Server
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Server → Kaspersky Security for File servers

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KS for Windows Server is mandatory if you deal with terminal server infrastructures or clusterized ones.
Moreover the features provided by this product depend on the license you’re going to activate in: https://support.kaspersky.com/15634
IMHO, if those servers are not RDS\TS or members of a cluster you can choose between KS and KES. KS is developed for server OSs and in most cases is lighter than KES…..but KES (11.5) is providing an higher level of security expecially if we talk about cryptomalwares: in fact, KS, if i’m not wrong, does not provide any behaviour analisys component.

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