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Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateway total confusion for implementation

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So i wanted to implement Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateway  in our company to scan all traffic as it leaves router.

Now it seams that product Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateway  doesnt even exists and it redirects me to Kaspersky Web Traffic Security.


I install this inside HYPERV, set it up, activated it, added connection in Mozilla for test and it works great, http and https filtering and all.


Now i wanted to implement it in our network and realized this doesnt actualy have gateway mode, instead i can only use it as proxy. Problem is i cant redirect https on Mikrotik router as it breaks https, only http works, also  ICAP client isnt supported, not sure even what supports ICAP?


Is there a way to set KWTS as a gateway so it scans all traffic that way instead using proxy?Or is this is getting implemented in near future?This would make it implementing in our network a 5 sec job not to mention work better than using proxy..

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