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Kaspersky Security center 11 Database directory help required !

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I want the help required to managing space and understanding the Kaspersky security center 11 antivirus database ! Few days ago i have deleted the folder of updates (Full path mentioned below) ! In my understanding these are the updates are downloaded windows updates files and since i’m using wsus to push the updates these are just junks and that’s why deleted. After a few days passed approx 15 to 20 computers in my domain says database are extremely out of date ! i have checked some forums and searched and managed to rectify but somehow i see C drive is almost becoming full again..

Antiviruses on user end however does not having the error anymore of database.

But again the drive is full ! and i want to understand what are the updates in below folder and is it safe to delete it ! i’m not using the windows update from KSC and dosen’t want it to download it.


Any of expert can guide a little bit. will be very thankful to you

THIS PATH NEEDS UNDERSTAND WHATS IN IT ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Center\Share\Updates

is it safe to delete ! I’m afraid if i delete again this will show the error of “databases are out of date” again !


Please help

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never manually delete an object in the folder "share".
"updates" is the folder for av-database, for example. 

if your system is running out of space: just expand your drive or move the location of the shared folder in KSC settings.


Thanks alot alex but that’s not what i ask ! i need to clarify what are the updates in “Updates Folder” is this windows updates that KSC is downloaded or is this KAV database ? if reference of this anywhere documented that it will be highly helpful for me

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"updates" is the folder for av-database, for example. 



windows-updates and other patch- and remediation-files are not saved in the folder "share".
these files are only loaded by the server when a patch installation task is running and if necessary . they are saved to “C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\.working\FTServer” (KSC) respectively “C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\.working\FTClient” (Client) .

do you use kaspersky patchmanagement? updates that are no longer required can be marked in the KSC and deleted via the context menu. this applies to the server and the clients.


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"updates" is the folder for av-database, for example. 



windows-updates and other patch- and remediation-files are not saved in the folder "share".
these files are only loaded by the server when a patch installation task is running and if necessary . they are saved to “C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\.working\FTServer” (KSC) respectively “C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\.working\FTClient” (Client) .

do you use kaspersky patchmanagement? updates that are no longer required can be marked in the KSC and deleted via the context menu. this applies to the server and the clients.



Ahan Thanks for the assist i get it now. :)  about the patch management if you are asking me about windows patch then i don’t use KSC for it. I use WSUS to push updates for windows and server ! because i was used to it !

1: However i would like to know if this is OK to use the KSC patch management ?

2: how can i disable it in case i don’t want to use ?

3: How can i shrink the database if there is such option available ? or delete the unnecessary files that are no longer in use by KSC. 


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1: However i would like to know if this is OK to use the KSC patch management ?

2: how can i disable it in case i don’t want to use ?

3: How can i shrink the database if there is such option available ? or delete the unnecessary files that are no longer in use by KSC. 


1.) I really like the kaspersky patch management since version 11. it delivers almost 330,000 patches and updates. above all, it enables me to quickly reduce the number of vulnerabilities to 0 - even in large environments. however, i recommend standardizing the installations before. than patching is much easier. you can work wsus integrated (using wsus for microsoft-updates) or replacing wsus (using ksc for ms updates also).

2.) You have to enable this funktion if you want to use it (only available with advanced-license) -  so there is no need to disable it.

3.) you can use the “administration server database maintenance task” to shrink the database https://help.kaspersky.com/KSC/11/en-US/100999.htm
but that is for the sql-database only, not for the share-folder.



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