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Just wondered if anyone has managed to successfully deploy the Kaspersky Network Agent.msi via Microsoft Intune?


I am trying to deploy the agent over Intune with the following command run:

msiexec /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi" /qn DONT_USE_ANSWER_FILE=1 SERVERADDRESS=my.server.address EULA=1 PRIVACYPOLICY=1


But nothing happens on the end user machines and it won’t install.


Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if it just won’t work.


Thank you


Never mind. Worked it out myself! Didn’t need the “ msiexec /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi"” bit at the beginning. Now deployed successfully.

  • 2 years later...


Can you tell me how you deployed. Share me the command.


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