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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for mac blocks public wifi

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We have Kaspersky Security Center supplying policies for our thousands of devices, and we have discovered a big problem. Kaspersky Endspoint Security blocks the captive portal for logging in to a public wifi on macOS only. This is not specific to a version, as we saw it with KSC 10 and 11, and KES 10, 11, and 11.0.1. Windows users are able to join, log in to, and surf over public wifi connections, but mac users are only able to join the wifi signal. It blocks the automatic pop up of the captive portal, and if you attempt to force it in Safari by going to the address captive.apple.com, it just times out. We know this is specific to Kaspersky, as we have tested it on multiple macs that when Kaspersky is disabled, there are no issues, so it is not interference from any of our other management systems. It is also not a user side settings problem in Kaspersky, because all settings are pushed down from the Kaspersky Security Center server.

This is severely detrimental to our users who have to travel often for work. They are unable to work from a hotel, train carriage, airport, etc. We have attempted modifications to the Group Policy on the server side, but nothing seems to enable the captive portal for public hotspots. Searching the forums has been rather fruitless, so I am hoping posting my problem could potentially get us some sort of answer, otherwise I might have to convince my company to go to another AV management developer.

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No new info, and now we have a second problem where the newest version of Kasp is causing Macs running 10.15.4 or newer to crash with a kernel panic, or at the very least causing 5-30 minute login times. Macs running without Kasp are fine. I’m seriously contemplating suggesting to my company that we leave Kasp.

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