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Kaspersky blog email newsletter “View in browser”, date selection no go.

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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I didn´t know who to contact about this, I will post it here and maybe somebody could bring it up with the right persorn.


I am subscribed to Kaspersky blog email newsletter. I read all of the newsletters at the end of the month and my email client can not properly view the newsletter so I click on the newsletter link that says “View in browser”, like you can see in the screenshot, and that link always takes me to the latest newsletter in the browser regardless of the newsletter date.


The problem is that if you are trying to view an old Kaspersky newsletter from last week, and you click on that link you will only see the current newsletter and not the one from the last week.

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I am using Webmail, I think it should be easy to reproduce in any browser if the problem is the link, I tried opening it in a private window to see if it had to do with cookies but the same thing happens.


EDIT: I have now tested with in two different browsers, Brave, and Microsoft Edge, with the same result.

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If I click on the link of each article in the email, the right article opens, the problem is only with “View in browser” which I use to be able to see the images. 

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Hello @Hadrian,

Thank you for replying and the information👌

  • We can replicate the issue, that’s not a concern, however, referring to the video I posted above, what opens if one of the articles is selected? 

Please post back?

  • Note: Just as FYI, Brave is not supported by Kaspersky, however, in this instance, it’s not the browser, any browser will present the issue, it appears as tho Kaspersky may have changed something🤔


​​​​​​​Thank you🙏 ​​​​​​​


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When I open the “View in browser” link from an old newsletter I view exactly what you displayed in the screencast, the latest newsletter, which date does not correspond to the one sent, and when I click on those links like you did I view exactly what you view too.


To be more precise, when clicking on the headline of the article it takes me to the article with that headline, there isn´t any mismatch.

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  • Solution

Hello @Hadrian

Thank you for replying and the information👌

  • It appears as tho Kaspersky may have changed something🤔
  • To formally raise it with Kaspersky, if KAV is licensed, please log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, choose Feedback, I have a complaint template - see image at the end of this reply; explain to them the issue is universal, i.e. not related to you, nor your computer, nor the software in use, nor the environment, nor the region, nor the network, otherwise, they may require a GSI & Windows logs, which, in this case, will be completely unnecessary.
  • Provide them with a detailed history, also include a video showing the issue, it will help them understand the problem. 
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.


  • When they provide an explanation/information, please share it here in the Community?

Thank you🙏


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the reply today to ID INC000011529127, support told me that they are currently testing a fix for the newsletter problem, perhaps it is not fixed yet but it should be shortly.

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