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Kaspersky blocking accounting application cahnges

Go to solution Solved by ak01,

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I have KSC with KES and on servers

a month ago we upgrade form version 10 on the workstations

The problem is when accounting department works on their programs they getting error when saving changes that they cannot save the changes,

when i disable kaspersky on the workstation side everything works fine.

the change are saved on the servers (the error is with saving on two different server withe different programs.

this did not happen on version 10.

the kaspersky event log both on KSC and local computer show nothing.

i tried to exclude the programs and folder but it’s still blocking.

the only thing that works is disable kaspersky on workstation side.

How can i figure what to exclude if the logs show nothing


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I`m not sure I understood you correctly.

So the problem is, that once KES is working it is impossible to save a file at some shared folder(at the server)?

Thank you!



do you have CF1 installed?

or better KES 11.3

I’m doing it right now ksc 12 with kes 11.3


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