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Kaspersky Antivirus 2020 & multiple password prompts when accessing private key [Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by harlan4096,

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I am using a digital certificate with CryptoAPI strong key protection option (password prompt whenever private key is accessed - https://pkiworld.com/2013/09/15/strong-key-protection-for-windows-clients-private-key-encryption-operations/).

Unfortunately, Kaspersky Antivirus 2020 is by default handling this rather clumsy, because I get 2,3, sometimes even 5 password prompts. Is there any way this can be prevented? Settings exceptions didn’t help, I’ve even disabled all protection modules, but without success.

Any ideas what else could be done?


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unfortunately, there are no warnings, just multiple password prompts while accessing the private key, as seen in the attachment from the first post.
I’m also attaching my trusted URL config.



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