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Kaspersky Antivirus 2015 - Windows 10 [Closed]

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So i’m thinking of installing windows 10 on my PC. But i have one problem.

Will Kaspersky Antivirus 2015 work on windows 10 ?

My current license is a KAV 2016 version and it works on KAV 2015 also, but i don’t know if KAV 2015 is compatible with windows 10.


Also will my license work with the latest version of Kaspersky Antivirus ?

I noticed on the kaspersky website it doesn’t say the version anymore. And when you dowload it’s kaspersky 20 i think.


Please i need help with this !

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Welcome. You need the latest version of Kaspersky, because version 2015 and 2016 are so very dead, that words of the English, Latin and Greek languages cannot possibly convey just how very dead they are. 


My thinking is that your licence may be compatible with version 2018, but to be sure, you should purchase a 2020 license, or ask Tech Support for your best course of action. 

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My current license is for KAV 2016.

Is it compatible with the latest version of Kaspersky Antivirus ?

If it isn’t compatible with latest version KAV, will KAV 2015 or 2016 run on windows 10 ?

I still have like 8-9 months of the license and i don’t want to purchase another license.

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@harlan4096On the kaspersky download page


The latest version is 20.0.14. I don’t know if that is KAV 2020 or 2019. I think if it’s 2020 it might not be compatible with 2016.


But if i have on my PC the install kit for KAV 2015 or 2016 will it work also on windows 10 ?


I would rather install KAV 2015 or 2016 since i already have the kits for them on my hard drive.

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Hey guys i’m back.

So i installed windows 10 and everything is working well.

Just one thing, a lot of people of the internet say that you should NOT install kaspersky because it will have problems with windows defender and they might not work as they should.


I would like to install Kaspersky Antivirus, but is it safe ?

Or should i not install it ?


My choice has always been kaspersky but please guys, please tell me if i’m doing something wrong if i install kaspersky with windows defender working also.

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Are you sure KAV will disable WD ?

Also for me right now, WD is runing. If KAV disables WD then should i re-enable WD after KAV finishes installing ?

Or should i just leave WD disabled ?

Also, if KAV does NOT disable WD then should i disable WD manually ?

Sorry for so many questions but i’m a real noob with WD so that’s why i prefer KAV, i’ve been using it for almost about 13 years. ☺

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Back with an update.

So i installed KAV 2019 and it works.

But both KAV and Windows Defender are enabled. Shouldn’t Windows Defender be DISABLED now that KAV 2019 is installed and running ?


Forgot to mention, i UNCHECKED the “Perform recommended actions automatically” in KAV because in the past it would delete other programs that i needed.


Should i disable Windows Defender ?


Please help, i’m really confused, don’t know what to do. 😥

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I read on the web that if WD didn’t disable itself after KAV installed then it’s possible that KAV may have been corrupted. Is this true ?


I have uninstalled KAV and i’m going to try reinstalling it again and see if WD disables by itself.


Did WD not disable because i unchecked in KAV the “Perform recommended actions automatically ?


Also if WD doesn’t disable itself after i reinstall KAV now then should i manually disable WD ?

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@richbuff @harlan4096

So just to be clear if i uncheck the in KAV 2019 “Perform recommended actions automatically” then WD will NOT disable itself ??

That why is WD did not disable itself ?


I always have that option unchecked because in the past KAV would sometimes delete some stuff that i needed.


Also, if WD does NOT disable itself then should i disable it manually ?

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No, unchecking that setting has nothing to do with WD, just changes Kaspersky into Interactive Mode…


Yes, You may disable WD manually or using a 3rd party tool, for example in some system I use WPD (which has a setting to disable WD → reboot the system, also additional tweaks to disable W10 telemetry and other annoying features :) )...



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Will “option one” from here work for disabling WD ?



Also, should i turn off only Real-Time Protection ? Or Tamper protection also ?


Or what is the best way to disable WD ?

I read on the web that even if you disable WD if you restart your PC then WD enables itself again.

Sorry but i’m kinda of a noob with WD and windows 10 also since it’s still pretty new to me.

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