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Kaspersky 11 for linux: installed on CentOS and keep receiving "a new device has been detected" [MOVED]

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Hi All

I’ve recently installed KESL11 ons a CentOS machine.
Ik keep receiving emails that a new device has been found…
Event "New device has been detected." has occurred on device Administration Server <KASPERSKY> in Windows domain …   every hour or so.

it’s also counting up a number behind the machine name eg: MACHINE~~3771

is there anything i Can do?
The working of the application and administration server seems fine, but the emails trigger alarms in our support system.

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Hi @ZL-Zorgleuven 


Did you install Kaspersky Network Agent Linux to integrate the machine with KSC ?  If not please you will need provide the installation of the network agent and delete the duplicity machines as recommends the KB article 9299. 

Why symbols such as ~1 (~2, ~3) can be added to the computer’s name in Kaspersky Security Center: https://support.kaspersky.com/9299

If the issue persists, please open a ticket number for further investigation on the web portal: https://companyaccount.kaspersky.com/account/login.


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