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Kaskpersky Security Center Admin + Database migration

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Hi! As I gather to do this migration I need to have the same version installed on the new server as on the old. I cant find where to download it though we still have KSC 10. I can only find downloads for KSC 11 on the Kaspersky download section. So where can I get a download file for KSC 10 or alternitively does my KSC 10 License work on KSC 11. So I could upgrade my KSC 10 to the latest version perform the migration after that. Thanks
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Hi, Your license is valid for KSC v10 or v11, while it has not expired. Also you can download KSC v10: https://aes.s.kaspersky-labs.com/english/administrationkit/ksc10/ Regards
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