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Kaskersky for widows server: question about firewall management

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Hello, i’m trying to upgrade kasperksy in out environment and i’m going to choose a different combination of Kaspersky endpoint security (for endpoint, terminal/citrix server and file server) and Kaspersky for windows server (for back-end virtual machines).

I have a question about the firewall management of Ksws: it basically manages the rules of the operating system’s firewall but seems that in the policy i can only configure rules on single applications (that can have wildcards as scope) and on single ports (that can have wildcards scoping as well). It seems that i am unable to set a “trusted network”, setting for example that everything coming from a specific network should be considered trusted and not blocked by the firewall.

Can you kindly provide a feedback and let me understand if i am missing something or if there is indeed a limitation on these kind of rules in the firewall management?

Thank you

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