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issue in kasper security center 11 after upgrade

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I think this is connection problem. You should check your internet connection and retry it. Or you should contact the kaspersky security service provider and complain about this issue. For retail software solution kaspersky security is good. //Mod Note: removed advertising link
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  • 3 months later...

After I upgraded I discovered that the Database filled the Hard disk.

Check your OS Event Log (Applications and Services Log/Kaspersky Event Log) find the Event related to your Administration Server. If will not load the reason should be listed.

According to Kaspersky Support,  with KSC 11 the Application Control will grab 30 GB per 1000 hosts. (10.5.1781 my entire KAV.DB was 9GB now with KSC 11, it is 51 GB and growing...)

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