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Is Windows 7 safe to use with no more security updates? [Closed]

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Tengo una gran inquietud que planteo os planteo en general a quien tenga conocimiento en la materia en cuestión: como muchos de vosotros tengo un laptop Toshiba con Windows 7 pro y no quiero cambiar de laptop a Windows 10. Es seguro seguir utilizando internet Chrome vpn google etc. a partir del 14 de enero 2020 utilizando solo Kaspersky Total Security o la última actualización? o quizás tiene previsto Kaspersky hacer algo al respecto para proteger a los millones de usuarios que tenemos Windows 7 y nos negamos a comprar otro laptop y abocarnos a pasarnos a Windows 10? Os agradezco mucho vuestra respuesta…


I have a great concern that I raise in general to those who have knowledge on the subject: as many of you I have a Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 pro and I do not want to change from laptop to Windows 10. It is safe to continue using Chrome, vpn like Torguard google  internet etc. using only Kaspersky Total Security or the latest update? Or maybe Kaspersky plans to do something about it to protect the millions of users who have Windows 7 and refuse to buy another laptop and move on to Windows 10 on January 14, 2020 ? I thank you very much for your answer ...

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Welcome. Please keep your operating system up to date. Kaspersky is designed to protect a system that has the operating system up to date.

Installing anti virus on an un updated operating system is like going to sleep with your gun under your pillow and leaving the backdoor open, and the  Window open. 


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