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Is there a way to mark the account leakage messages as done? [Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by andrew75,

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I am using Kaspersky Cloud Family. It checks wether or not my data is leaked through numorous databreaches for my mail accounts. Most of the messages I get are of old breaches that are already known by me and which I already acted upon. Nevertheless these messages keep popping up. I don’t want to disable new messages but is there a way I can mark the old messages as done so I don’t get an alert on them anymore?

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@andrew75, thanks for helping out but then you stop checking that account all together aren’t you?

I just want, if my account example@example.com has a leakage in the linkedin breach of 2012 to disable mentioning that particular breach (of linkedin 2012) but for that account I want new breaches (for instance a new linkedin breach or a twitter breach) still leading to an alert.

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