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Instagram support. [MOVED]

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Hello, is there a chance to add Instagram support in social networking options?
Currently only Facebook and VK.
Thanks Piotr


//Mod Note: moved to the correct section.

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @PiotrX77,


Where would you like Instagram support added?

In Kaspersky software or the Kaspersky Community portal?

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏



In the Kaspersky Safe Kids application on android and via www my.kaspersky.com/MyKids


A very useful option would also be to set the time range during which the child can use various applications.
For example ... from 8-13 the application does not work but from 13 to 14 it works then from 14-18 it doesn't work etc. :)
Of course, taking into account the time limits that we set for applications.

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @PiotrX77,

Thank you for replying and clarifying👌

KSK defines Instagram as an application, in category Social networks, with an age rating of 7+


  • Facebook, Instagram time limiting is available, time is allocated in blocks of time, not “time ranges”




  • Not sure about VK as I have to configure KSK for that, I’ll let you know. 

Regarding the age range, KSK can use public age-appropriate ratings, the ratings are based on policies set by Government authorities, having reference to bodies such as IARC, ESRB, PEGI, the developers use these guidelines, then Micrsoft, Google, Apple (for example) distribute the software according to the defined rating.

  • Looking at Notifications, Social networks, Facebook isn't defined



however, KSK classifies Facebook as an application, with an age rating of 12+

  • I’ve raised Social networks, Instagram monitoring with the Lab, I'll let you know what the feedback is when it’s available. 
  • One thing to be alert to, Social network apps, like Instagam, Whatsapp etc., allow websites (that Parents do not want their children to access) to piggyback, thus giving kids full access, Kaspersky are aware of the issue and are working on it. 

Thank you


About KSK application monitoring

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