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worst kaspersky support no one responding i traid so many time reach this 91-22-61992525 You can also submit a request using this link: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2b this is my ticker ID INC000010682487 created on 08/08/19 still i am followup and wasting my time. if kaspersky not able to provide support why selling product. i will definitely move to quick heal, but i want to let you know why i am kicking kaspersky. we facing internet blocking and outlook not connecting . one more issue is netagent not installing on server 2012
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Flood and Flood's wife
no one responding i traid so many time reach this 91-22-61992525. INC000010682487 created on 08/08/19, we facing internet blocking and outlook not connecting & netagent not installing on server 2012
Hello nssindia, Welcome! I called 91-22-61992525, and got thru immediately. Ruksana advised she will notify the Technical Team who will respond asap. & Since submitting INC000010682487, have you sent a followup email or updated INC000010682487 via the web portal. Also, have you used https://companyaccount.kaspersky.com/account/login and https://support.kaspersky.com/corporate/msa Thanks
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Flood and Flood's wife
nssindia, I have no idea what "conversion is continuously going on on portal" means? So, if you've submitted requested data, Kaspersky Technical Support have actually responded :thinking:
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