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in the same exo-ring.msedge.net gives cert warning my pc itself presses keys randomly [MERGED] [Closed]


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Hello  @TickTock

Please tell us:

  1. Operating system full name, version, build?
  2. KAV version, patch(x)? x=letter
  3. KAV licensed or free?
  4. What browsers are installed, full name and versions?
  5. When "invalid certificate exo-ring.msedge.net" error happens, what is being used, what's active?
  6. If the "invalid certificate exo-ring.msedge.net" error happens when a browser is being used, does the error happen irrespective of the browser?
  7. May we have a video of "randomly presses keys, causes things to happen mostly open the calculator at first takes screenshot, if there is game open or browser use f11 and fullsize the screen" please?

Please post back?
Thank you🙏



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As I received warning for this certificate missing my pc was pressing keys by itself. I am thinking, it may something connected with it, would like to know how to block it if possible


Operating system full name, version, build?
-Windows 10 pro x64 ver.1903 (18362.535)

KAV version, patch(x)? x=letter
- (g)

KAV licensed or free?

What browsers are installed, full name and versions?
-Opera 65.0.3467.48 (Just was using Opera and steams browser ingame)
-Internet expolorer11 11.535.18362.0 (11.0.165) 
-Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0
-Google Chrome 79.0.3945.88

When "invalid certificate exo-ring.msedge.net" error happens, what is being used, what's active?
-Opera 65.0.3467.48 ,Steam (also steams ingame browser) ,Conan exiles ,spotify, discord

If the "invalid certificate exo-ring.msedge.net" error happens when a browser is being used, does the error happen irrespective of the browser?
-Not sure but I was playing conan exiles when it started happening at the first 2 which happened after 30 minutes from eachother as Karpersky ignored them but at the last two, it captured writing their license missing

May we have a video of "randomly presses keys, causes things to happen mostly open the calculator at first takes screenshot, if there is game open or browser use f11 and fullsize the screen" please?
-Sadly as it turned off the computer I couldn't hit saveback key to save video also checked there isn't  any saved shows


I have run full scan and security gap thing yesterday, I didn’t dowload anything since that time not sure why happened, it isn’t happening since 4 hours now

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Hello  @TickTock,

Thank you for replying.

Something very strange has happened with your post, my earlier reply has “vanished”🤔 . 

➡ Please raise a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, include a full history, if a video can be captured it will help the Technical experts, include a GSI & Windows Logs, images, the report you’ve included above.

Just in case you’re not aware, Opera is not a supported browser, if the issue is related to Opera it will be out of scope for Kaspersky Technical Support. 

Please let us know the outcome when it’s available?

Thank you🙏

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Hello @FLOOD ,

Thank you for your help, thankfully techinal support still trying to solve it and I am glad they are really trying :) I will share GSI files here any idea is welcomed as it can be something too small, like a command it is keep Rolling, I don’t know much about scripting so anything may small for you, may important detail for me missing. -A little detail just a little when that thing forces my pc to close, even pc closed it keeps working for a while, after few times doing that I got mad and closed it from the button when I turned back on, Windows started repairing itself-

Well the thing is I tried the methods written at down

-tried video capturing but however it endup not geting saved

-Reseting computer and keeping files doesn’t solve

-It is not from macro programs

-It happened even when opera isn’t installed

-It is not like emergency shutdown when cpu or gpu heat up

-it is more like timed program things I think, it is looking like one of them because it is forcing pc to shutdown I see the “shutting down” letter on screen also it doesn’t let me write anything like i can’t do “shutdown -a” it lock my keyboard somehow

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