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HTTP redirects in Kaspersky Safe Money (as part of KTS)

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Another question as I try to learn a little bit more about the security of  my connectivity to the www.

In Safe Money I have typed the https:// address to my local Amazon here in Canada.

Occasionally I’ll click on it, and rather than taking me to Amazon, a warning page comes up which tells me that (for some reason) I’m being taken to an http site. Now, whether this is Kaspersky warning me,  or my browser (which is set to ONLY permit me to go to https sites), or indeed both, I don’t know.

The options are “to proceed to site” or to “go back”. I always go back, figuring that if either Kaspersky and/or my browser is telling me not to proceed then I’d be wise to listen to the advice.

When I type the https site into the browser manually thereafter, it opens a safe money browser page and opens Amazon.ca normally within that.

Can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening, i.e. getting a misdirect to an http site?
It’s happened two or three times now (over the course of a couple of months), so in my efforts to understand more about what’s going on, I’d appreciate any thoughts.  Is this what “they” call a “man in the middle attack” trying to get me to expose my Amazon account details? Or is it likely to be something less sinister?

I appreciate this is a rather basic query, but you don’t learn if you don’t ask, so I am asking.

Thanks/merci a vous

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