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How to Prevent Kaspersky From Unistalling


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I bought the of Kapersky Kid Safe for my 14 year old son who has tech addiction, to limit his total screen time, and within about 15 minutes he had managed to uninstall it from both his Windows PC and his Android phone. He did not have my password: he used a registry editing technique he found on youtube for the PC, and for the Android phone he said he deleted it using the settings app by reset option of only system settings. (I'm not so familiar with Android myself.) How can I set Kaspersky Kid Safe up so that it can't easily be uninstalled? Surely the Kaspersky company's software is more secure than a 14 year old kid in his bedroom?

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Hello @Pankaj87665


  1. Android → Settings is supposed to be Forbidden/Blocked by DEFAULT, if your son has been able to access Settings, KSK has not been installed according to Kaspersky’s recommended guidelines. 
  2. Please share with us the Youtube video URL, your son used to hack the registry & uninstall KSK on the Windows device - so we can test? 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏



Android/KSK: Hardware and software requirements

KSK, get started on Android

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@Flood and Flood's wife


I had found a video on youtube for the process of unistallation of kaspersky,although it says that it is for kaspersky total protection for confirmation I installed safe kids of my pc and follow the steps and I was able to successfully unistall the safe kids application.I tried to reinstall safe kids of android and still I am able to access the settings 


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Hello @Pankaj87665

Thank you👌 !

Unfortunately, the screenshots do not confirm KSK is configured correctly:

  1. On Android, KSK, select About → tell us the version
  2. On Android, open Phone Settings, scroll to the bottom of the screen, select About or About phone, tell us the phone name & version
  3. In the MyKaspersky account, select KSKApplication monitoring, show us images of the listed applications.
  4. In the MyKaspersky account, select KSKApplication monitoring, show us images of the Settings for application categories ?

Thank you🙏


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Hello @Pankaj87665,

Thank you👌 !

  1. Kavremover is not a registry hack, it’s Kaspersky published software, specifically designed to remove Kaspersky software, and it should never be user unless Kaspersky Technical Support have advised it’s necessary to do so. 
  2. It’s very clear, from the images, on both devices, KSK is not installed and or configured correctly, for example, Settings is not Forbidden/Blocked, in fact, hardly anything appropriate for an age 14 child has been configured. 

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife

I had followed all the instructions that camed during installation,can you help me to correctly install it,I tried to find out and found that no kavremover was used to remove kaspersky,my kid has gone to registry in safe mode and then turn off the password protection settings from registry editor,after it he booted the system is normal mode,and unistalled safe kids without the use of password


can is there any way to stop unistalling of safe kids ,stopping settings app is necessary as through it,safe kids can be uninstalled easily

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Hello @Pankaj87665,

Sure, we’ll help, however, for KSK, Win10, we’d like to test your son’s “method”, that won’t be tonight, it’s 02:47am, we have to be up at 06:00am, we need sleep → we’ll work on this aspect of the issue later today. 

For KSK, Android, select KSKApplication monitoring, change Settings for application categories, Categories, as in our image, make sure you apply the change ?

Add an Allow exclusion for Chrome browser only

Change or check & make sure these apps are Forbidden


Google Play Store

There’s other apps in the lists we’d change to Forbidden, we suggest you google each one & look at them in Google Play store & make a risk assessment → anything that allows your son to control the phone, hide his activities, like browsers/software with vpn or tor, should be blocked.  

Make sure you apply all KSK changes, otherwise the app will remain unconfigured. 

When you’ve made the Android changes, make sure you fully power off the phone, power on & check everything

We’ll update the topic, later today. 

⚠ Edit: re your last “Settings” question, please rephrase it, it’s not clear? ⚠

Thank you🙏




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Pankaj Sahu

12:00 (2 minutes ago)


to Kaspersky

@Flood and Flood's wife 


I found that my kid had uninstalled the application in following ways




he first booted pc in safe mode,go to registry editor ,go to hkey_local_system

click to WOW6432Node

click to Kaspersky Lab

click to Kidssafe

click to setting

found EnablePswrdProtect dword

double click on it

change the value from 1 to 0

click save

close registry editor and reboot the pc in normal mode and then uninstalled the kidssafr without the need of password



he go to settings apps

About Phone


Reet on App Settings

And then rebooted the phone and uninstalled the app without the need of password



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Hello @Pankaj87665

Thank you for the information. 

  1. When people type in uppercase, it’s tantamount to yelling & it’s rude. 
  2. Post screen images of the Application categories & Application lists changes you’ve made, based on the guidance we gave you in our last reply please? 

Thank you🙏


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Hello @Pankaj87665

Thank you for the information. 

  1. Category Unknown should be blocked
  2. All browsers, excluding Chrome should be blocked
  3. An Allow rule for Chrome browser only should be applied. 
  4. Android → Settings should be blocked - we’ve said this numerous times. 
  5. There’s other apps we’d block, for example Microsoft Application Virtualization & all stores, app galleries → have you actually reviewed each installed app
  6. Also, we cannot see behind the Screenshot saved popups. 
  7. Under your son’s profile, you’ll be able to block access to Registry, cmd.exe, Taskmanager, msconfig, all powershell versions, etc; you need to contact MS Technical Support, log a case, if the 1st level technician cannot assist, request an escalation to their 2 or 3rd level.
  8. Before making any changes to the system, always back up everything, create a System restore point & export the Registry before making any changes.
  9. After the system modifications, you son will still be able to access the registry, however, his access will be limited, he will not be able to make the changes he has to date. 
  10. And, all the System blocks will not prevent him changing the system to SafeMode if he uses the manual method. 

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife

I had switched my kid account as standard account, turned on all restriction. But I found that he is still able to uninstall safe kids in android by safe mode, and in windows by safe mode and registry editing


Hello @Pankaj87665

Thank you for posting back.

  1. Re “he is still able to uninstall safe kids windows by safe mode and registry editing”, exactly, which is why you need to engage a MS expert and configure specific system exclusions. 
  2. Please fully describe the process he’s using for the Android uninstall, be as specific as possible please? 
  3. Redo the images & click X all the “Screenshot saved” popups, we cannot see behind them, don’t upload the images again to this topic, it’s getting huge, add the images to a zip folder, upload the zip folder to any cloud storage of your choice, share the zip folder with us via a share link posted here in your topic please? 

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife

I asked Ms representatives to do that but they told me that these are windows inbuilt and default functions and cannot be stopped/set exclusions,For android I found that he boot it to safe mode,goes to settings and unistalls the app,and then reboot the phone,or he simply resets the android or tablet,is there any way to stop uinstalling by both of these methods

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Hello @Pankaj87665

MS are giving you wrong advice. 

Re Windows, as we said before, it’s possible to change his access to System apps which will prevent him from accessing the registry, however, as we also said, if he accesses SafeMode manually, he may be able to override even that - this specific aspect we’ve not tested under a child profile, we cannot shutdown atm so…. everything else we’ve tested, the solutions we’re talking about work. 

Re the Android, if he’s engaging Safemode, he has full access to uninstall anything. KSK cannot stop that → you may wish to check other Kid safe applications, we’re not sure any of them can prevent this, maybe there’s something out there, we don’t know if there is, we will research when we have time. 

  1. Which is installed KSK Premium, KSK Free or KSK Trial? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife 

They told me that the only way to stop this is to create child account and start using microsoft family,they ensured me if I will use microsoft kids it will be impossible for my child to bypass it, on pc,meanwhile I want to say that in android it is possible to disable safe mode as google kids is able to block all the known methods to unistall it.


It clearly states that it is possible to do so,now I am leaving Safe Kids and going to try microsoft and google kids apps,even these both the apps are complete free to use.I am using KSK Trial version.

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