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Igor Akhmetov

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In case you want to skip automatic uninstallation of a specific software, but do not want to disable incompatible software check completely, you may edit cleaner.cab

Step-by-step guide

  1. Download full KES distributive 
  2. Start it and make sure all files were unpacked
  3. Navigate to the directory you unpacked kes_win.msi to
  4. Find cleaner.cab in case of KES11.9 and older versions. Find cleaner_v2.cab in case of KES 11.10 and more recent versions
  5. Unpack the contents to the temporary directory c:\temp\cleaner_v2 or c:\temp\cleaner
  6. Search for a 3d party product (for example, Bitdefender) to be removed from KES install package by running this command:  findstr /C:"Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools" C:\temp\cleaner_v2\*.ini
  7. It will display the exact name of ini file destined to remove Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools:  C:\temp\cleaner_v2\2dd68715-037d-4c3d-bb5e-e07f07bcb357.ini:name=Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools 6 x64
  8. Open the  the contents of 2dd68715-037d-4c3d-bb5e-e07f07bcb357.ini for more details about 3d party product in question. If everything is ok, delete the ini file
  9. Find cleanapi.ini
  10. Find and remove all lines related to the products you removed on step 8 (several 3d party products can be removed): 

11. Pack all the remaining files to cleaner.cab in case of KES 11.9 and older, cleaner_v2.cab in case of KES 11.10 and more recent version

You may now use this custom file instead of the standard one. Place it near setup.exe or *.kud\*.kpd and re-create a new package in KSC console.

Packing files back to *.cab file may be difficult if you do not have specific software. Below you can find two scripts: one for command prompt, one for powershell.


Command prompt

Run command prompt script from the directory with *.ini files.

In case of KES11.10 and more recent:
@echo off
dir /s /b /a-d >files.txt
makecab /d "CabinetName1=cleaner_v2.cab" /d "MaxDiskSize=0" /f files.txt
del /q /f files.txt, setup.inf, setup.rpt
In case of KES 11.9 and older:
@echo off
dir /s /b /a-d >files.txt
makecab /d "CabinetName1=cleaner.cab" /d "MaxDiskSize=0" /f files.txt
del /q /f files.txt, setup.inf, setup.rpt


Please be advised that cab file will be saved to the disk1 subfolder inside the folder with ini files. 


Powershell script syntax is: compress-directory "PATH_TO_INI"

function compress-directory([string]$dir)
     $ddf = ".OPTION EXPLICIT
 .Set CabinetNameTemplate=cleaner.cab
 .Set DiskDirectory1=.
 .Set CompressionType=MSZIP
 .Set Cabinet=on
 .Set Compress=on
 .Set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0
 .Set FolderFileCountThreshold=0
 .Set FolderSizeThreshold=0
 .Set MaxCabinetSize=0
 .Set MaxDiskFileCount=0
 .Set MaxDiskSize=0
     $dirfullname = (get-item $dir).fullname
     $ddfpath = ($env:TEMP+"\temp.ddf")
     $ddf += (ls -recurse $dir | ? {!$_.psiscontainer}|select -expand fullname|%{'"'+$_+'" "'+$_.SubString($dirfullname.length+1)+'"'}) -join "`r`n"
     $ddf | Out-File -encoding UTF8 $ddfpath
     makecab /F $ddfpath
     rm $ddfpath
     rm setup.inf
     rm setup.rpt


  • The title was changed to How to modify KES incompatible software list [KES for Windows]

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