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How to сheck KATA detects by different technologies(IOA, IDS, Sandbox) [KATA/KEDRE]

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Sometimes it's necessary to check KATA detects, for example IDS, IOA, Sandbox detects.

Step-by-step guide

IDS detects (SPAN)

To check IDS detects (SPAN) you can use tcpreplay utility on server configured to receive SPAN traffic.

KATA 4.0/4.1

tcpreplay package for such versions could be found here https://rhel.pkgs.org/7/epel-x86_64/tcpreplay-4.4.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm.html


KATA 5.+ and tcpreplay

tcpreplay package is not installed by default, so you should install it manually,  using step-by-step guide below: 

1) Download this package from HERE

2) Place downloaded file tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb to your KATA node. For example, use scp: [user@host]$ scp <your-path>/tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb admin@<kata-ip>:/tmp

3) Run installation on your KATA node with the next command:  [admin@katahost]$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/tcpreplay_4.3.2-1build1_amd64.deb

Success! Now you can use tcpreplay on your KATA 5.+ or any other UBUNTU system!

Before using tcpreplay you should enable tx capture for span:

KATA 3.7.*

  • In technical support mode from user root run following commands :
systemctl stop apt-preprocessor.service
systemctl stop suricata.service
rmmod pf_ring
  • Edit file /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf:

change line:
options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=0 min_num_slots=16384       # tx capture is disabled
options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=1 min_num_slots=16384       # tx capture is enabled
save file.

  • Start pfring and related services back:
modprobe pf_ring
systemctl start suricata.service
systemctl start apt-preprocessor.service

KATA 4.0/4.1

  • Edit file /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf:

    change line:
    options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=0 min_num_slots=16384       # tx capture is disabled
    options pf_ring enable_tx_capture=1 min_num_slots=16384       # tx capture is enabled
    save file.

  • In technical support mode from user root run following commands:
systemctl stop docker
rmmod pf_ring
modprobe pf_ring
systemctl start docker

tx capture for span is now enabled

KATA 5.0/5.1/6.0 - see https://forum.kaspersky.com/topic/how-to-enable-tx-capturing-in-kata-katakedre-37514/

  • Eicar traffic detect:

Upload EICAR-Test-File_TCP.pcap sample to server with SPAN interface, then execute command from root shell:

tcpreplay -i ens34 EICAR-Test-File_TCP.pcap  # ens34 in this example is SPAN interface
  •  Nmap traffic detect:
    Scenario is the same as for Eicar detect, only .pcap file differs (# tcpreplay HackTool.Nmap.HTTP.C&C.pcap).

After testing detects from span we strongly recommend to disable tx capture back again by the same way as described above for enabling.

AM Engine

Use EICAR's - https://www.eicar.com/

Email - send the EICAR via SMTP to KATA 25 port. (SMTP processing needs to be Enabled of course). ProTip: you may use local swaks mail client on CN to skip elaborate mail setups.

swaks examples
swaks --server --port 25 --from antony@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --attach eicar.com
swaks --server --port 25 --from antony@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --body "link_to_EICAR_here"

Endpoint - put an EICAR file to the endpoint and fetch it using GetFile task, queue for scanning.

YARA detects

By default, no YARA rules are supplied with the product. For test purposes one can use a test rule from YARA docs https://yara.readthedocs.io/en/v4.1.0/writingrules.html

rule ExampleRule
$my_text_string = "text here"
$my_hex_string = { E2 34 A1 C8 23 FB }
$my_text_string or $my_hex_string

The rule will mark any analyzed object containing $my_text_string or $my_hex_string.

IoA detects

To check IoA detect (IoA detects can be checked only if you have KEDR license):

  • Copy .bat file from attached archive Test_IOA.rar(not_infected) to any folder on host with installed EDR and start it.
    After some time(KATA need several minutes to transmit and process telemetry from EDR) check alerts in KATA. Alert should have type ioa_test_detect.

For testing IoA detects on host more than once, .bat file should be placed to different locations on this host.

  • On the host with installed KEA run command below in the cmd.exe shell:
wmic.exe sfdguninstallkasperskyblabla     
There can be something else instead of sdfg and blabla, important part of command is uninstallkaspersky

Command execution will fail with error, but it's not important. After some time new IoA detect should appear in KATA web-interface.

IoC detects

One can use the custom rule for testing - Ioctest.zip (infected123) - it is triggered for "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"

Automatic sandboxing in EDR

To check automatic sandboxing:

  • Unpack the archive with sample, use default password for samples: autosbtest.zip
  • NB! Do not change MD5 of the sample.
  • Run the sample on EDR-protected host and wait for automatic SB detect:

Sandbox detect

To check sandbox detect we can use file SA_sleep.exe from archive no_am_detection sample.rar. Password is inside text document in archive.

  • Go to KATA senior security officer web-interface.
  • Choose Storage → Upload and upload SA_sleep.exe from attached archive for KATA checking.
  • Kata should enqueue it to sandbox , then a bit later verdict from SB should be Suspicious Activity.

If SA_sleep.exe produces Not detected verdict then please use test_sb.bat from the test_sb.rar

URL reputation

Firstly, confirm K(P)SN is configured and works properly. MD5 used in this example should return UnTrusted status:

Check KSN on KATA command
for KATA 4.+ and 5.0:
docker exec -it `docker ps | grep ksn_proxy| awk '{print $1}'` /opt/kaspersky/apt-ksn_proxy/sbin/ksn_client --ip --hash 9C642C5B111EE85A6BCCFFC7AF896A51
for KATA 5.1:
docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep ksn_proxy| awk '{print $1}') /opt/kaspersky/apt-ksn-proxy/sbin/ksn_client --ip --hash 9C642C5B111EE85A6BCCFFC7AF896A51


For traffic: access  http://bug.qainfo.ru/TesT/Aphish_w/index

For email (SMTP processing needs to be Enabled), send the link above via e-mail. For quick and dirty test:

swaks examples
swaks --server --port 25 --from fisherman@test.org --to cleopatra@test.org --body "http://bug.qainfo.ru/TesT/Aphish_w/index"
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