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How fast does Kaspersky truly start?


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Windows Defender has an early launch module that allows it to start pretty much before the OS does - but with Kaspersky I’ve noticed it takes 1 or 2 seconds after I reach the desktop for the app to show up in the tray.

Is that just the app starting late, or the protection modules as well? Do Kaspersky protection modules start early like Defender’s? If the modules start with the app then that’s… not great. Isn’t that a security risk? Malware could start before the AV, disabling its self-defense.

Edited by Crylune
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Once again I answer my own questions because I am too quick to post.

After literally 5 minutes of research, I was able to find out that Kaspersky's drivers are indeed running as ELAM (Early Launch Anti-Malware) drivers:


Probably obvious, but I wanted to make sure. And now anyone with the same question knows as well.

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but as far as I know

1. elam driver do not function the way you described

It just block bad driver from loading before AV software truely fully loaded.

2. when you enter desktop. K's core protection is loaded(however that is nothing to do with the elam driver),but not every component is loaded

you will need to wait for a while. 

emmmm.....I am not someone very professional,

if i am wrong, pls somebody correct me

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