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How does Safe Kids work on a tablet with only one user profile for kid.


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We have a shared android tablet with a separate user profile for my kid. The current restricted user profile is not good enough anymore since she uses internet more often. How does it work if I install KSK on the tablet. Is it possible to have it on 1 (normal) user profile? Will the other users be restricted by KSK on their profile?
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Hello Arno, Welcome! Can you clarify the current user profile situation and what you'd like to achive:
  1. Shared android tablet with a separate (kid) user profile
"Current restricted user profile is not good enough anymore "since she uses internet more often."
  1. Is the restricted user profile defined by (KSK), internet use limited by KSK or?
  2. What is currently installed on the tablet that is limiting your child? I
  3. How many profiles are currently on the tablet?
  4. On the android tablet - can you create individual android user accounts? (Not KSK)
  1. Android operating system version & build?
  2. KSK version, free or premium & version?
Please let us know? ----------- As general information - Kaspersky blog: recent KSK changes: https://www.kaspersky.com.au/blog/smarter-safe-kids/22818/ Thanks!
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  • 1 month later...
Hi , (apologies for the late reply) I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A with Android 8.1.0. My wife, me and my daughter have a personal profile. My daughter's profile was a "restricted" profile. The main user (me) has to indicate which apps she can see. But that does not work for all apps. Especially the apps that use internet like Tiktok. To give her the opportunity for such apps I need to give her a normal profile, but can I restrict only her profile with KSK without affecting the other profiles? I have just created the new normal profile for her
  1. Is the restricted user profile defined by (KSK), internet use limited by KSK or? --> No, not yet. this is my question
  2. What is currently installed on the tablet that is limiting your child? I --> no other controlling apps
  3. How many profiles are currently on the tablet? --> 4 (including the restricted profile that I want to stop and the newly created profile that I want to start controlling)
  4. On the android tablet - can you create individual android user accounts? (Not KSK) --> What is an "android account"? I can creates an individual Google account or Samsung account. per profile.
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Samsung Galaxy Tab A with Android 8.1.0. 3 accounts. Daughter's profile ="restricted" profile. Main user (me) has to indicate which apps she can see. (a)Does not work for all apps., e,g, Tiktok.
Hello Arno, Welcome back, Thank you for the detailed explanation and information. Re: "To give her the opportunity for such apps I need to give her a normal profile", does this mean a "normal" KSK profile? IF "yes" can you show me the configuration screen please? (hide any identifying info please before posting) IF "no", what app/function is used to create the "normal" profile? Re: Tiktok:
  1. Let me install Tiktok and test. I'll post back.
In the interim, if there are other apps that are also presenting difficulties please let me know? I'm happy to test each one to see if the can be controlled. *For the tests, I'll use age 12 as the benchmark* **If your daughter is 2+ years older or 2- years younger, please post back, so I can make useful results for you please?** Thank you
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Hello Arno, Additional to my reply above. I'll separate out the various elements. 1st TIKTOK TIKTOK TOU (Terms of use) states: "If you are under age 18, you may only use the Services with the consent of your parent or legal guardian. Please be sure your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and discussed these Terms with you." ---- TOU set by TIKTOK, not KSK, as the parent (if you grant consent to the app), that's completely distinct from KSK. ---- However, GooglePlay age rating for TIKTOK is 12+ ---- KSK refers to the GooglePlay, Content ratings for apps & games & ESRB http://www.esrb.org/ratings/index.jsp ----
  1. KSK controlling - TIKTOK:
To test, I installed TIKTOK, used KSK - application settings https://my.kaspersky.com//MyKids/xx/Rules/Applications#/ BLOCK (Forbidden) Kaspersky Safe Kids will block the application. Additionally, when your child tries to start the application, a message such as "You are not allowed to use the application" will be displayed. RESTRICTED 1⃣ TikTok app, 2⃣ TikTok active 3⃣ TikTok after restriction applied 4⃣ KSK request to parent 5⃣ KSK log KSK - generic age template can also be used, however, imo, it's a far less flexible solution.. ---- Going back to the issues, you've identified: (a) Parent has to indicate which apps she can see. Does not work for all apps. Especially apps that use internet, e.g. Tiktok. (b) To give her the opportunity for such apps I need to give her a normal profile **Replicating tests (for your daughter), I didn't use KSK default age template, 1. I don't know the age group, 2. as I said before (imo) it's not flexible. (a) From my tests - KSK - TikTok management is configurable. Does work.
  1. If you could let me know, either, why KSK - TIKTOK does not work (for you) or provide another app that is an issue please?
(b) Give daughter "normal" profile - why? **If the apps you'd like your daughter to use are unavailable due to configuring KSK using "default" age template, please try not using that, instead, replicate my tests. **And ALLOW apps you'd like to daughter to use, by selecting "Available on blocked device", that grants access (for child) to use any app defined with that config, to be able to be used, irrespective, even when the Android "Time Use" has expired, or other configurations have been applied. **For example, if I grant "Available on blocked device" for Calculator, Clock, Camera, Calendar, set the Android daily "time of use" to "3 hours", at 3 hrs, the phone locks, but, Calculator, Clock, Camera, Calendar and ability to make phone calls remain functional. --- The difficulty I see is parent x 2 and child are using the same device. Question: How does it work, if, for example you've configured KSK to allow daughter to use android for 2 hours, 2 hours expires, daughter responds to alert "requesting more time", how do you know, how do you see "the request/notification"? Would you be kind enough to let me know please? Thanks so much:pray_tone3:
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  • 2 weeks later...
stephan1827, The link you posted goes to Anyway, after searching I think I found a post raised Feb 23rd, Switch from parents to kids on Adnroid.
  1. When you engaged with Technical Support did you log the issue or ask the Technical Support agent to raise the issue with KSK developers as "I have a suggestion"?
  2. Unfortunately, product enhancements and development requests are not processed via the Community portal.
  3. Kaspersky require all of us, to submit any such requests, directly to Technical Support Team.
  4. Kaspersky technical/business teams review all requests, measure requests again a variety of benchmarks and do whatever passes.
  5. Kaspersky Technical Team will communicate with you regarding any suggestion raised with them.
  6. To contact Technical Support: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/, choose location, select GENERAL PRODUCT, then choose: OnlineChat (if it's available in your region), Submit a request, .via your MyKaspersky online account, using "I have a suggestion" template, or PHONE
Thanks & best regards.
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I already created a ticket a while back INC000010232377 but it was rejected saying that its not possible
Hello stephan1827, Thanks for posting back:pray_tone3: Kaspersky document the KSK solution as "designed" to be applied (parent) 1 device, (child), another, different device. To help me understand your requirements, how does it work (now), if the child is using the device, KSK is configured to block device after x hours, time expires, how are you notified? And, how do you action (for example: grant more time)? Also, can you please copy from INC000010232377, the information you submitted, and the reply from TS please? Thank you.
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FLOOD : Thank you for your testing and complete explanation. It is much appreciated. However in the end of your explanation is indeed my original question: How do I install KSK on 1 device which is used by 2 parents? I would have liked to know before I spend money on an extra subscription. However maybe I should give it a try and to order an extra subscription for this device. Hopefully it will show there is no issue at all. What I will try (still very basic test): The device has 3 profiles now. I will install KSK on the my daughters profile and configure it. Then see how it will influence the other profiles. (FYI: during this months I have learned a bit how more about how profiles work on 1 device because I have installed some programs on that profile.) And I will use your recommended settings for the apps previously mentioned. I'll let you know my findings.
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FLOOD : How do I install KSK on 1 device which is used by 2 parents? I would have liked to know before I spend money on an extra subscription. However maybe I should give it a try and to order an extra subscription for this device. Hopefully it will show there is no issue at all.
Hello Arno, Thank you for posting back:pray_tone3:
  1. Don't buy an extra subscription, if you wish to test anything, install the free software. Test to the max, if the software get's over the line, then spend $$$
  2. My understanding is there is: 1 device: Android 8.1.0, KSK, 2 parents & 1 child.
  1. KSK (Parent) is designed to be installed on a device and KSK (Child) on another, separate device.
  2. KSK (Parent & Child) are not designed to be installed on the same device.
The other KSK (by design) "feature", is, managing the KSK parent account, is designed to be done by one parent profile, so, if there's a father & a mother, Kaspersky has designed KSK to be managed by father and mother: BOTH using the same MyKaspersky account.... Get's worse, if there's a father, mother, stepfather, stepmother and or any other combination of coupling that represents the REAL world, KSK is STILL designed to have ONE MyKasperky parent account managed by "parent".... When discussed with the Lab, their solution was, the "parents" all share the same MyKaspersky account AND password:thumbsdown_tone3: Please do keep me posted.? Best regards.
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Hi FLOOD , Thanks for the tip. I can indeed use the fee software to test. I have the parent KSK on my phone already because I already use KSK for my daughters phone to my satisfaction. So I will install KSK Child on the tablet (as well). I'll let you know if it works. Regards, Arno
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I can indeed use the fee software to test. I have the parent KSK on my phone already because I already use KSK for my daughters phone to my satisfaction. So I will install KSK Child on the tablet (as well). I'll let you know if it works.
Hello Arno, Now you've got me really c?nfused, or maybe, you've cl?rified the mystery:wink: There's 2 x ? with KSK and the ? will have KSK, phew! For the last 30 days I've been thinking the was only one device with KSK. I've been trying to "imagine" your daughter using the "device", getting blocked, requesting more time and having to r?n to you, so you could "access" the device, to "grant more time". Do keep me informed, I'm very interested! Best regards.
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