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How do I stop my daughter from stopping Kid Safe?

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Hello I am trying to limit the hours my daughter spend in her phone , which could go over 5 hours very easly using app which are not recommended for her age (like Avakin life i..e) but...my daughter 13 y.o. is very smart I first tried Google family and she found the way to use any app for anytime using the power save mode of her phone Huawei P9 Lite. I contacted Google family support I waited 1 week , I sent them a lot of information included a video, losing a lot of time trying to solve the problem, and no solution. Then I tried Eset Parental control , after 2 hours she found the way to use any app for anytime , contacted Eset forums , no solution. Now I am here to try Kaspersky Safe Kids after 3 days of my 7 days trial , my daughter is able to use everything and for anytime, and Kaspersky Safe Kids is useless too :weary: . She does not uninstall Kaspersky Safe Kids, she simply stops the app to run ( I do not know how she does it). Indeed when I click the Kaspersky Safe Kids icon in her phone, the app reports that it's not running . Any solution please ? In the attached image you can see what I see when I click the Kaspersky Safe Kids icon on my daughter phone AFTER she was able to stop it. Thank you
After investigation I SUPPOSE she is able to do it, by entering the power save mode. When I exit from this mode I found Safe kids disabled and he lose also the permissions which were done during setup . any help please ?
Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Graziano68, Welcome! I'm working on this. The last link redirects to
  1. Whatever "HiSuite - Huawei ?" link is, can you post back an image of it please?
  2. Can you post back image/s of the screens that represent "power save mode" please?
All androids are slightly different, I've been interrogating 3 to see where your Einstein (daughter) is, I 'd like to be sure we're on the same page. Many thanks!
please wait I am trying to ask to my daughter how she can remove the protection
ok my little Einstein :) explained me how she does also with a full video we realized togheter , HiSuite is not related . I explain in Italian language ok ? ======================== Mi figlia mi ha detto che Kaspersky è uno dei più difficili da disattivare tra Google Family e ESET , ma dice che comunque si sblocca e che è solo questione di velocità . Mi ha fatto vedere come fa. Riavvia il telefono , e quando il telefono riparte mi ha spiegato che prima di partire Kaspersky ha un delay di qualche breve secondo quindi bisogna fare l'operazione molto velocemente, Appena riparte il telefono lei scorre il dito dall'alto in basso sullo schermo e clicca su "Batteria Ultra" , quindi attiva il risparmio energetico. A questo punto aggiunge l'applicazione a suo piacere (per prova ha avviato Avakin che è nella lista app bloccate di Safe Kids) e ci gioca tutto il tempo che vuole e senza limiti, e se vuole una disattivazione completa di Safe Kids entra in impostazioni toglie le autorizzazioni a Safe Kids e la priorità di Safe Kids sulle altre app. Fatto. Ha acconsentito anche a realizzare un video che potete vedere qui, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qbQSux4JKCplc3plm3PW28YFaUSWwXeY/view?usp=sharing dove si vede dal tutto funzionante (Safe Kids tutto funzionante) al tutto disattivato (Safe Kids completamente disattivato) . Mi ha anche detto di dirvi se potrà lavorare con voi quando sarà grande :) . ======================== If you have problems translating from Italian please let me know. I hope you understand that in this situation Safe Kids is useless . The phone is Huawei P9 Lite fully updated to latest available Huawei OS , Android 7 in this case. Thank you
Flood and Flood's wife
Grazie per la pubblicazione di nuovo e il video. per favore concedo tempo per rivedere completamente le informazioni / video? Risponderò prima all'ultima domanda con la seguente logica: (Penso) Enstein è invecchiato bene oltre i loro anni effettivi. Questa è una buona cosa? No, quando sono più grandi piangeranno che i primi anni ono andati! No, se stanno facendo diventare grigio il loro padre prima che si aspetti, non premierò il genio.:wink: I'm not a native Italian speaker, I will be translating everything, it's easier for me to write English & allows me to concentrate on the issue rather than grammar, however, whichever way gets results is the most important thing. I TOTALLY understand the current situation is useless, please allow us time to work on this. In the meantime please ask the genius to take up knitting:rofl:
Thank you :) . I understood you had some difficult to translate so I will try to translate ======================== My daughter told me that Kasperksy is more robust than Google Family and Eset Parental , however she told me that it was easy to break Safe Kids too , it's only a question of speed in this case.She shown me how to do that and we took a video. She reboots the phone , she explained me that Safe Kids has some delay to start right after the reboot , so in this brief time window exactly after the reboot she clicks over "Batteria Ultra" (see the video) , and immediately after she enables the "Risparmio Energetico" mode. After this step she can add and use any app using the "Risparmio Energetico" mode . She can add also Safe kids blocked app (in this video she will use Avakin which is a blocked app in Safe Kids) and use the app all the time she wants. After this step he enters the phone tool page and she can fully deactivate the app if she wishes (see the video) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qbQSux4JKCplc3plm3PW28YFaUSWwXeY/view?usp=sharing ======================== Thank you and hope you can fix the problem so my daughter will have more free time in real life.
Flood and Flood's wife
Ciao Graziano68, Per favore vai al tuo account online MyKaspersky, vai a: https://my.kaspersky.com/MyKids/vero una lunga combinazione di lettere e numeri / Regole / Applicazioni # / trova: "Impostazioni" seleziona "Proibito". Riavvia il Huawei, 'permetti al genio di replicare l'esercizio originale e vedere se ha successo? Fatecelo sapere per favore? I migliori saluti!
Yes she can do that because "Impostazioni" (settings) and "Gestione telefono" are already set to block , please see the attach. The video was done with below settings.
in private I sent you my Safe Kid account email too, in case you would verify my current settings.
Flood and Flood's wife
Ciao Graziano68, Still working on this. I pm'd you back! ?
Thank you FLOOD ok , if you need user and password for Safe kid area please let me know If you need other screenshot let me know too.
Flood and Flood's wife
Ciao Graziano68, Re "user and password", no, no, no, never and if anyone ever asks you to give that info then working with that person is very unwise. For the issue you've reported I'll post back Mon 17/06.
Hello, thank you FLOOD , ok . I hope this problem can be fixed before my trial period ( only 4 days left :thinking: ) p.s. in the meantime I have another problem (not related) so I will post in another thread.
ok I opened a ticket also for this issue , INC000010538906 , let we see.
Hello FLOOD, Yes , I already told you that the video was done with Settings set to Forbidden. It was so , since the first Safe Kids installation , Also this morning my daughter already stopped Safe Kids .
Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Graziano, My question is: does not appear or appears too slowly? & Without wanting to give the genius any clues, there are OTHER standard apps that will give her access DESPITE KSK prohibitions.
if the Safekids app is NOT stopped using the procedure in this video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qbQSux4JKCplc3plm3PW28YFaUSWwXeY/view?usp=sharing the message with "Using this app is not allowed" after clicking Settings appears almost instantly (max 0.25 seconds delay) , impossible to use anything in settings menu . if the Safekids app is stopped using the procedure in this video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qbQSux4JKCplc3plm3PW28YFaUSWwXeY/view?usp=sharing the message with "Using this app is not allowed" when clicking over settings does not appear, settings can be used, everything can be used,
Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Graziano, Got it, thank you! Please write down each action taken, step/s taken, key/s pressed, icon/s selected that your daughter is using to override KSK - referred to above as "using the procedure" & post back? Thanks!
Hello again ? Sorry what's not clear in the video ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qbQSux4JKCplc3plm3PW28YFaUSWwXeY/view?usp=sharing It's simply such as counting to 3 , I unlocked the phone right now 1 simply reboot the phone, and click the "Batteria Ultra" icon when the phone restart 2 I wait the message windows to activate the "Risparmio energetico" mode and I click over "attiva ora" 3 done ! In "Risparmio energetico" mode Safe kids will NOT start . After this step I can exit from "Risparmio energetico" and I could also uninstall Safe kids. I explained it a lot of time , sorry what's not clear ?
I found a temporarly turnaround solution which should work. Since the (trojan/fall) problem is during the phone reboot, I activated the sim pin password (I changed the pin with one which I and my wife knows) , so when the phone reboots my daughter cannot apply the hack and we must unlock the phone for her. Using the procedure I will give her the phone with safe kids already running and the problem should be solved. It's a temporarly solution, I hope Karspersky can solve it as possible.
Flood and Flood's wife
what's not clear in the video ?
Hello Graziano, The video & "1 simply reboot the phone, and click the "Batteria Ultra" icon when the phone restart, 2 I wait the message windows to activate the "Risparmio energetico" mode and I click over "attiva ora" 3 done ! In "Risparmio energetico" mode Safe kids will NOT start . After this step I can exit from "Risparmio energetico" and I could also uninstall Safe kids" are very different representations. We do not have a Huawei P9 Lite, to replicate your daughter's actions, the Android 7's we have do not have the same icons..... Please let the Lab know your expectations, I'm certain they'll do everything to assist. Thanks!

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