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How do I add a license to business account

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I have followed these instructions but it does not work: https://support.kaspersky.com/Cloud/1.0/en-US/159871.htm


When I go to the business hub and click “buy license” it takes me to the “home products > renewal and upgrade centre”, which is not correct. It recommends the one user account for “Total Security” product.


I don’t want to buy a license for the home security product - I just want to add a user to my business account.

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Hello @Matt_Bentley


(Your) topic is in Products for Home, Kaspersky Internet Security section.


Deploying security applications by using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud - Add user accounts to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud


Adding users and sending email messages

Thank you🙏


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Hi @Flood and Flood's wife - I think this is indicative of my issue.

I’ve already added the user (the documents you shared - thank you), but am being told that I have exceeded out license limit.

When I attempt to buy a license, it directs me to the Products for Home area in error.

There’s no option to contact someone for support, and now I’ve been directed to this forum, which also looks to be incorrect.

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Hello @Matt_Bentley

You’re most welcome!

We’re not sure what is meant by “There’s no option to contact someone for support”, have you followed:

Contact Technical Support & Technical Support via Kaspersky Company Account → Kaspersky Company Account → image 1

Also, on the support page, select your location, scroll to the bottom of the page, there’s more support options → Submit a request, Call support → image 2 & 3





If you get stuck or have more questions, please do not hesitate to post back? 

Thank you🙏


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