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High CPU Load from Outlook with Kaspersky Endpoint Security on macOS

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My Outlook is running with 100% CPU load since the upgrade to Big Sur. 

Every now and then the load goes down for a short time, then up again. 

  • No synchronization errors are displayed, the status does not hang either. 

  • Load is so high even in offline mode 

  • After a new start of Outlook it behaves quietly for a few minutes, then the load goes up. 

  • Now and then the load goes to below 10% for 2-5 minutes, then stable again to full load. 


Current versions are 

  • macOS: Big Sur 11.3.1 

  • Microsoft Outlook for Mac: 16.48 


The computer and therefore the Outlook are completely fresh installed. I have tried various tips from the Microsoft Community Forum: 

  • Do not show messages in conversations 

  • Privacy - disable optional connected experiences incl. telemetry data 

  • ... 


Workaround: The other installed programs are manageable. Microsoft Office and Teams, OpenVPN, Firefox, Kaspersky Internet Security. 

While troubleshooting, I noticed: Quit Kaspersky Endpoint Security - problem gone. After a new start of Kaspersky it takes a few minutes again, then the CPU Load is high again. 


Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac ( 

  • Database up to date 

  • Real-time protection enabled 

  • Encrypted traffic scanning not allowed (turning this on makes no difference)

Unfortunately, there are no more settings here.


Now I have BigSur as the changed factor, Kaspersky as the culprit, but Outlook with the high processor load.


Can anyone help me further here? How can I continue to troubleshoot this? 





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